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Monday, December 20, 2010

StandwithUs Northwest asks you to act on Seattle bus signs

I just got an email that referred me to here from StandWithUS Northwest.
Please email or call King County and Seattle City elected officials and tell them not to allow such a hateful and divisive message.

Please copy us on your emails. Please use our Northwest@StandWithUs.com email.

Create your own message and statement out of the above paragraphs. Then call and/or email all of the following officials. To email the same message to all the officials at once, cut and past the following paragraph into the "To" list in your email:

KCExec@kingcounty.gov, mike.mcginn@seattle.gov, Bob.Ferguson@kingcounty.gov, Larry.Gossett@kingcounty.gov, Kathy.Lambert@kingcounty.gov, Larry.Phillips@kingcounty.gov, Julia.Patterson@kingcounty.gov, Jane.Hague@kingcounty.gov, Jane.Hague@kingcounty.gov, Pete.vonReichbauer@kingcounty.gov, Reagan.Dunn@kingcounty.gov, sally.bagshaw@seattle.gov, tim.burgess@seattle.gov, sally.clark@seattle.gov, richard.conlin@seattle.gov, jean.godden@seattle.gov, bruce.harrell@seattle.gov, nick.licata@seattle.gov, mike.obrien@seattle.gov, tom.rasmussen@seattle.gov
Read the whole thing.

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At 5:14 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


before you bag on obama again

read this from avi shafran


At 12:53 AM, Blogger Hutzpan said...

Could Jewish organizations in Seattle organize a similar counter-campaign? Just put sings on other 40 buses exposing terrorism of Gaza regime and their use of civilians as human shields...


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