'Palestinians' support negotiations but....

A lot of people on the Left are making a big deal about a
survey (pdf link) that shows that more than 66% of the 'Palestinians' want to negotiate with Israel and nearly 74% prefer that the talks be direct. But
here are the most important findings.
If Palestinian negotiators delivered a peace settlement that includes a Palestinian State but had to make compromises on key issues (right of return, Jerusalem, borders, settlements, etc.) to do so would you support the result? Yes 12.2% No 85.2% Don’t know 2.6%
With regard to the final status of Palestine and Israel please indicate which of the following you consider to be Essential, Desirable, Acceptable, Tolerable, or Unacceptable as part of a peace agreement.
Historic Palestine – From the Jordan River to the sea
Essential 64.8% Desirable 18.3% Acceptable 8.8% Tolerable 4.5% Unacceptable
2.6% Don't know 1.0%
What could go wrong?
Labels: Palestinian opinion survey, territorial compromise
With their supporters worldwide!
Have you been hearing about "leftist students" rioting in the U.K. today? Look at the photos/video Gateway found! Keffiyehs galore!
The Palestinians are not ready for a compromise peace and won't settle for anything short of the destruction of the Jewish State.
For them negotiations are meant to bring about Israel's concurrence to commit national suicide. Its not surprising then that Israel has not signed onto it.
The rest of the world is going to ignore that and pretend a Palestinian state will somehow live in peace with Israel. Now that's wishful thinking!
What could go wrong indeed
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