More 'Palestinians' dislike Hamas, but that doesn't mean that they'll live in peace with Israel

According to the poll, 56 percent of Gazans and 53% of West Bank Palestinians think negatively of Hamas in comparison to 28% and 40% respectively who have positive views. The numbers are also down from the 35% and 44% respectively who had favorable views of Hamas in July 2009.That confirms what most Israelis believe: the 'Palestinian state' is just part of the 'phased plan.' There is nothing for Israel to gain by agreeing to it.
The change comes after the Turkish flotilla incident in May, where a deadly confrontation between the IDF and Turkish civilians trying to break the Gaza blockade eventually led to Israel changing its embargo on Gaza to let in many more goods. The pollsters interpreted the results as a sign that the local population didn’t give Hamas credit for the change in Israel’s approach.
Gazans also equally blamed Israel (46%) and both Israel and Hamas (46%) for their situation. In comparison, while those in the West Bank blamed their own leaders as much as Gazans blamed Hamas (both at 6%), West Bank Palestinians overwhelming blamed Israel (62%) while only 19% blamed both.
Palestinians in both areas dislike Iran more than like it, with 49% in Gaza and 58% in the West Bank having unfavorable attitudes versus 39% and 35% respectively who have favorable attitudes towards them. While Gazans' negative attitudes toward Iran grew from the 44% who had negative views last year, the approval rate also increased from 31% in 2009.
Overall, 54% of Palestinians thought peace with Israel was possible with only 43% saying there was no hope, and 61% said they approved of continuing talks with Israel while only 33% disapproved.
Additionally, 60% said they accept a two-state solution with only 36% saying they don’t. However, 60% of those surveyed said they agreed with the statement that “the real goal should be to start with two states but then move to it all being one Palestinian state” with just 30% backing the statement that “the best goal is for a two-state solution that keeps two states living side by side.”
In addition, 56% said the Palestinians would once again have to resort to armed struggle, with only 38% agreeing that violence only hurts the Palestinians and the days of armed struggle are over.
Labels: Palestinian state, phased plan, The Israel Project
Freeze or no freeze - I don't expect to see peace with the Palestinians happen in our lifetime.
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