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Friday, November 12, 2010

Deja vu all over again in Washington

Where have we heard this before? The Obama administration is offering Israel 'security guarantees.' Sort of. And in return for what? (Hat Tip: Memeorandum).
U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has assured Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu that Israel's security requirements will be fully taken into account in any future peace deal with the Palestinians.
Well, what does that mean? You can take something into account without granting it or granting it fully. And we all know that the 'Palestinians' aren't going to make a deal on the terms Israel believes necessary for its security since the 'Palestinians' ultimate goal is 'Palestine from the River to the Sea.'
The two sides said in a joint statement that direct negotiations, which have hit an impasse over Israel's resumption of settlement construction, could yet yield an independent Palestinian state living next to Israel with secure and recognized borders "that meet Israeli security requirements."

Israel wants a long-term military presence in the Jordan Valley along the eastern border of a future Palestinian state as well as financial help to pay for security arrangements that would be necessary if a peace deal is achieved.

As she and Mr. Netanyahu headed into the talks, Clinton vowed to find "a way forward." The Israeli leader said he is "quite serious" about reaching what he called a "historic agreement with peace and security" between Israel and the Palestinians. Mr. Netanyahu also said he would like to broaden the peace process to include other Arab countries.
Well you didn't expect her to say "we give up," did you?

Clinton sent her message yesterday: Another $150 million for the 'Palestinians' to pay Hamas salaries in Gaza. What could go wrong?

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At 11:10 AM, Blogger NormanF said...

That isn't going to happen. Netanyahu and Clinton understand full well the PA is not interested in peace with Israel - and the American grant of more free money isn't going make them change their rejectionist views.

Yup - its deja vu in Washington all over again.


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