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Sunday, September 05, 2010

Why a 'Palestinian state' at all?

National Review Online worries about what sort of 'Palestinian state' might arise from the current negotiations.
It is not realistic to expect Israel to maintain the 75-year-old Abbas in power as a mini-dictator indefinitely. Yet in the event that Hamas were to succeed in taking over the West Bank, a bloodbath would follow, with survivors from the Abbas administration, and perhaps Abbas himself, running for their lives into exile. Such a Hamas victory would also enable Iran to open a new front, with Tel Aviv and central Israel within close range of its missiles and air force.

A Hamas takeover is the second-worst possible outcome. The worst outcome is open regional war, with the atomic ayatollahs allied with Hamas. The status quo may be fraught and unnatural, but it is endlessly preferable to those options. The question touching the Palestinian state is not so much “When?” as “What sort?” The foremost priority in these negotiations should be to ensure that it is not one dominated by Hamas or by Iran.
Sorry guys, but the question should not be "what sort" or even "when" until we answer the question of why there should be - or perhaps there should not be - a 'Palestinian state' at all. With Hamas and Fatah sharing the same goal of destroying the Jewish state and with a takeover by Hamas all but inevitable if Israel were to leave Judea and Samaria, this does not appear to be the time to discuss a 'Palestinian state' at all.

The picture is 'Palestinians' handing out candy to celebrate Tuesday night's quadruple murder of four Israeli motorists. That's the true face of the 'Palestinians.' Why do you think they deserve a state?


At 9:25 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

There already is a Pally state - Jordan.

And if the continue attacking us from their, they can move to Iraq.

At 3:15 PM, Blogger Sunlight said...

Shy Guy - one of yesterday's posts says Jordan doesn't like having an 80% Palestinian population...

Anyway, I still am thinking a state (or better, two, so they don't have an attack and tunnel corridor across Israel)... but have the two (or three) "states" under an Israel federal govt. That way the "Feds" in Israel can demilitarize the "states" (as Obama is doing to Arizona in the U.S.) and be in charge of the external borders of the whole federation.

At 5:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"one of yesterday's posts says Jordan doesn't like having an 80% Palestinian population"

Ah yes... Jordan doesn't like.

I wonder how things will be when the world finally considers what we don't like? Such as, having a jihad base five minutes' drive from our population centers? Or having our historical connection to this land trampled upon and laughed at like it were the legend of Atlantis?

We need to be righteously angry sometimes. Heaven knows we have good reasons to be.


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