The problem with 'moderate Muslims'

Here's an interesting distinction pointed out by Bret Stephens after looking at some recent '
moderate Muslims' who didn't turn out to be so moderate.
A few years ago, my friend Irshad Manji made the point to me that "moderate Muslims denounce terror that's committed in the name of Islam but they deny that religion has anything to do with it." By contrast, she noted, "reform-minded Muslims denounce terror that's committed in the name of Islam and acknowledge that our religion is used to inspire it."
Hmmm. Now there's a distinction that is useful.
I'm afraid that "taqiyya" makes it impossible to believe either actually exist.
The "Problem" is we are openly oblivious to understanding a key point. Post 9-11 the word Moderate and Muslim were joined forever by one of the most liberal of all liberal thought processes.... by a conservative administration.
All this hyperventilating over an obvious overt ultra liberal throwing himself and us too further into the arms of fundamentalist Islam was actually birthed in part in a conservative administration. While we were recovering from the horrors of 9-11 and Israel recovering from one of her bloodiest intifadas we were being lulled by such catch phrases as "only a few wish to hijack peace, Islam is a religion of peace and Islam is one of the greatest religions of all times." Who ever heard of Ramadan dinners hosted by U.S Presidents? Who ever heard of a U.S President visiting Mosques bestowing olive branches upon Imans replete with buckets of white paint to a religion not of peace but of oppression and repression??
How is it possible a Holocaust denier be called a MAN OF PEACE by a conservative president/best friend of Israel? How did it happen that Hosni Mubarak allowed thousands of weapons tunnels dug from his country to gaza to deliver death to Jews and be called a Good friend of the U.S and ally in the war on Terror" right under our noses while we accepted and slumbered. That is the problem and here we stand.
Words stick. The soothing words spoken by George Bush post 9-11 assuring us that Islam is a religion of peace and that Moderate Muslims make up that religion came back to bite us.
This is why the vast majority of conservative independents who voted for Bush refrained to vote for McCain. This is why the vast majority of not so conservative liberals refrained from voting for Obama or McCain and will continue to refrain from voting for anyone.
The sea of independents in the U.S can now make or break any election and we will. until the day truth is spoken anywyay.
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