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Sunday, August 22, 2010

How to tell a 'moderate Muslim'

All Muslims claim to be 'moderate' and everyone is trying to find 'moderate Muslims.' How do you tell when you have found the real thing? Syrian-born Fahrid Ghadry explains.
None of the US Officials have any Islamic experts on their staff (Have to be non-Muslims because extremists will influence these officials) to be able to, reasonably, understand what the aims of the extremists are when they build a Mosque at Ground Zero even though it is offensive to the 9/11 families and many Americans. It is no different than building Masjid al-Aqsa in Jerusalem on top of the Temple Mount to erase all traces of Judaism. The next Mosque will be built on Ground Zero if we let ourselves be so ignorant for so long.

If I say I am a moderate and you, as an official, are uneducated about Islam, as Michael Bloomberg is, you will believe I am a moderate even though I am a Salafi. All Salafis and Wahhabis think they are moderates and they all know what to say in order to project this image. That's a notion that goes undetected by US Officials and it is up to them to dig deeper to start delineating between who is a REAL moderate and who is a puppet in the hands of the extremists and who is an extremist who has refined the art of Taqieh to perfection. Does Bloomberg understand what Taqieh is? I doubt it. Al-Aryan convinced American Officials he was a moderate until he was caught with his hands in the cookie jar raising funds for Hamas.

Do not judge a moderate Muslim by what he says or does. Judge him by how his wives and daughters live. That's key. No matter how good they are at Taqieh, they cannot hide who they really are when it comes to their families. If his daughter (Over 18) can date a young man and be trusted, as a young lady, to come home at 11 pm, then he is a moderate Muslim. If his wife can go out on her own to visit friends, then he is a moderate. If he says that he is a moderate, ask him to introduce your son to his daughter and see if fear or hate jump at you through his eyes. Judge them by how they treat their families privately.

All US Governors, Mayors, and Federal Judges should have non-Muslim experts on their staff they can call at any time to understand how extremist and violent Muslims have hijacked the faith ever since oil has been discovered and Saudi Arabia has ruled Makah and Medina for power, al-Ghazou, and Shariah-enforced States.
I'm not sure he's right. Are there Muslims who treat their women like human beings but still support terror against members of other religions? I don't know enough to say for sure. But Ghadry's test definitely sounds like a start.


At 6:10 PM, Blogger Malcolm said...

Here is an article Re: "moderate Islam"
part 1 and part 2. An excellent article

At 6:11 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

My guess a moderate Muslim is something like an unicorn you hear a lot about them but you never actually find one?


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