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Saturday, June 19, 2010

UN Watch's Hillel Neuer exposes hypocritical UN silence on Kyrgyzstan massacres

Shavua tov, a good week to everyone.

Here's UN Watch's Hillel Neuer exposing the UN's hypocritical silence on the Kyrgyzstan Massacres

Let's go to the videotape.

But no one will listen anyway. After all, Jews aren't killing anyone in Kyrgyzstan.


At 12:20 AM, Blogger Sunlight said...

Seriously, isn't it somewhat unseemly for Germany to have government people on this flotilla?


And for Egypt, with their U.S. payments matching Israel's, to have a government person inciting the thugs? The video labels the guy in the blue shirt on the far right as an Egyptian parliament member (2:05 in the video leading the chant "millions of martyrs marching to Gaza).


Maybe one of the think tanks could make one of those powerpoint slides showing the spaghetti of the interrelated people. The question can be raised as to whether this operation can be construed as a U.S./NATO attack on Israel, with the Germans, Turks, Ireland/former U.S. Marine, Code Pink, Ayers/Doehrn, and the slinking links to the Obama entourage. If so, it would seem to be illegal and would require the relevant governments (especially Germany and the U.S.) to put a stop to these Logan Act violations. Americans support Israel and would want to stop attacks on Israel, not join in on them.


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