Essay contest: Why the 'Palestinians' deserve an independent state, but the Kurds do not
For those of you who have the kiddies home for summer vacation and want to keep them occupied, here's an intellectual way to keep them busy. Have them write 1,000 words on the subject "Why the 'Palestinians' deserve an independent state, but the Kurds do not." First prize is $100 (what, you thought I was kidding?).Explain why the Kurds should not have an independent state, despite these facts:

1) There are 35 million Kurds, as opposed to perhaps six million Palestinian Arabs by the broadest definition;I could write that essay in one sentence: "The 'Palestinians' deserve an independent state because they are competing for it with the only Jewish state, while the Kurds do not deserve an independent state because they are competing for it with Muslims and other non-Jews." But the contest says "no satirical essays accepted."
2) The Kurds are an ethnic group distinct from Turks, Arabs, or Persians;
3) Perhaps 40,000 Kurdish militants have died at the hands of Turkish security forces during the past twenty years battling against Turkey for an independent Kurdish state;
4) The Kurds speak a distinct language and have a distinct culture;
5) Saddam Hussein killed up to 300,000 Iraqi Kurds, including by poison gas attacks on civilians;
6) The Iraqi Kurds have governed themselves successfully in northern Iraq since Saddam Hussein was overthrown by the American-led coalition in 2003.
Few peoples have suffered more than the Kurds, fought harder to preserve their culture (written Kurdish was outlawed in Turkey for most of the 20th century), showed more tenacity in pursuit of national self-determination, or shown themselves more capable of managing a modern country.
For special credit, answer the following questions:
Why is the human rights establishment so upset about Gaza—whose Hamas-controlled government uses the strip as a terrorist base against Israel—that it is willing to accept Turkish patronage to break the Israeli-Egyptian blockade?
And why has the human rights establishment accepted the patronage of Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan, who vowed that Kurdish rebels will “drown in their own blood.” As noted, the Turkish army has killed up to 40,000 Kurdish rebels (and countless civilians) during the past two decades. Journalists in Turkey are jailed for filing reports on Kurdish militant organizations that would be considered run-of-the-mill reportage in any civilized country.
I'll accept satirical essays, but I don't have $100 to pay.
Let's cut to the chase.
If the Kurds lived next to Israel the world would have taken notice of the largest nationality in the world without statehood.
Why the Palestinians deserve statehood is what runs through our blood.
The Palestinians are no different than the Jordanians, Syrians, Lebanese and Egyptians. They share with them the same language, faith, culture and political outlook. Why is there the need for a SECOND Palestinian Arab state - Jordan is the FIRST, no one has satisfactorily explained.
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