If he's lost the Tel Aviv coffee shop crowd, he's lost the country

This afternoon, I had an SMS from a JPost intern who reads my blog. "I'll be seeing Aluf Benn, editor of Haaretz tonight," he wrote. "I will get the chance to ask him a question or two; anything you'd particularly like to hear him answer?" I suggested asking him whether he still believed that Obama speaking directly to Israelis would make a difference in how he's perceived in Israel. Here's Benn's answer:
It’s great that you mentioned the date. It’s been 9 months, but i could still print it today or tomorrow. He [obama] missed one point. Israel. he went all around the world, speaking to different leaders, but not here. yes, I stand by it.I don't know whether President Obama's approval ratings would improve if he came here, and I don't know whether he would suddenly be able to convince Israelis to take more 'risks for peace' if he came here. But I can tell you that if the secular Tel Aviv coffee shop crowd doesn't trust him, no one here does, and those polls you are hearing with single digit approval for Obama among Israeli Jews are quite accurate. He may not gain anything by coming here, but he has no hope of accomplishing anything without coming here.
I was sitting in tel aviv one saturday morning in cofee shop a couple of weeks ago. I was surrounded by secular israelis, the most open-minded types. but when the conversation turns to him, they say "we can't trust him." even the most secular. in tel aviv. if he can't gain their support, how is he to gain the israeli public's support?
During the night, I had an email from someone who is very well-connected in Washington, who told me that a prominent Jewish leader cautioned Obama against going to Israel, because the trip would be a disaster and he would be walking into the lions' den.
Kind of like Bibi going to the White House in March I guess....
The person who sent me the SMS yesterday is no longer anonymous and he is no longer at JPost. You can find his post here.
I also understand that the panel on which Aluf Benn sat on Wednesday night took place at Hebrew University and was sponsored by StandWithUs.org.
I think Obama just hates Israel and he doesn't give a sh*t (pardon my French) whether Jews (be it "bad" religious Jews or "good" secular Jews) trust him or not. So he will not come. Won't be able to overcome this squeamishness.
Obumbler won't come to Israel. And second there is the credibility factor - with so many broken American promises, who would trust him now to keep one he makes to Israel? I don't really see peace talks progressing anywhere as long as he is in office.
And a trip won't make any difference anyway because Israel is not negotiating with Obama - it is negotiating with the Palestinians and that's really the party that needs to convince the Tel Aviv coffee shop crowd they truly want real peace with Israel. But there is no Palestinian Sadat who can win them over.
Check out the latest issue of Mad Magazine! Talk about losing the country. Maybe there's still hope.
I hope he doesn't go and defile the country!
But his jihadi masters won't permit him to go anyway!
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