US Defense Dept: Iranian missiles could reach US by 2015
"With sufficient foreign assistance, Iran could probably develop and test an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) capable of reaching the United States by 2015," the report by the US Department of Defense states.Well, isn't that just great? Iran won't be able to conquer the US, but it can shoot weapons of mass destruction that can reach the US. Doesn't that make all of you Americans feel good?
It adds that "Iran's nuclear program and its willingness to keep open the possibility to develop nuclear weapons is a central part of its deterrent strategy."
The report indicates that while Iran has a sizeable conventional military force, it would be no match for a “well trained, sophisticated military such as that of the United States or its allies" in the event of armed conflict.
But what's more striking is the reference to Iran's 'deterrent strategy.' Iran, which is still a second or third-rate power has a deterrent strategy, but the United States, which was a superpower until January 2009, is in the process of dismantling its deterrents by agreeing not to develop further anti-missile weapons as part of the START treaty.
At the rate we're going, the US may soon be asking Israel to protect it rather than vice versa. And Obama could still be President (God forbid) in 2015.
What could go wrong?
"Well, isn't that just great? Iran won't be able to conquer the US, but it can shoot weapons of mass destruction that can reach the US. Doesn't that make all of you Americans feel good?
AND guess WHO they will blame that on??
After all, "there will be no Peace in the ME until Palestinians achieve Statehood."
Truth of the matter is, this was predicted long before Iran was able to enrich uranium. Any prior sanctions were so watered down they accomplished NOTHING.
Sad fact, any sanctions now will be the same. Iran needed an Iron Fist thrown their way a long time ago. What we know now is that there is a slight possibility that if new sanctions; one with teeth were to hit the whole of Iran in the gut, maybe then there could be hope. The downside is this will never happen.
To all those who paved the road with toothless condemnations and the very weakest of sanctions before Chamberlain took office, knowing what you knew, thanks for nothing.
gee, so Iran shoots an ICBM over America with an EMP...
there goes the western half of the USA's modern existence
Hows that HOPE AND CHANGE working out?
Carl, I'm an American and personally I think the US deserves a good beating for putting this evil cancer Obongo in charge of this country. The up side of an Iranian attack on the US is it will go far in culling a lot of the idiots who voted this anti-semite into office. I hope, when Iran does nuke the US, they have Washington, and the leftist east and west ooast in their sights.
As an aside, the absolute worst offenders are all the dumb US Jews who voted for Obummer. Too bad there is not such a thing as excommunication for Jews. These people are not deserving of being one of G-ds chosen people since they sold their brothers out for political correctness.
as usual americans are fooling, confounding and creating a scare. what does it matter if the Iranian missiles get the capability by way of distance to reach the US,( it is similar to Iranian civilian aircrafts capable of flying from Tehran to New York) what really matters is whether Iran will have the capability to destroy the US as the US have had the capability to destroy scores of nations all around ( Vietnam, Iraq, Haiti, Cambodia, Lebanon, Columbia, Nicaragua, Philippines and very many) the world in order to dominate the world politically, economically, militarily and culturally. Right now the US alone has about 16,000 nuclear war heads, in 2015 it might reach heaven knows what?
Iran by then will not have even one-thousandth of that. Americans are hoodwinking and looking for an opportunity to annihilate and devastate poor Iran. No wonder atheists sarcastically ask the question: Does God Exist? Meaning Does Justice exist in this world? Except the American Justice.
"As an aside, the absolute worst offenders are all the dumb US Jews who voted for Obummer. Too bad there is not such a thing as excommunication for Jews. These people are not deserving of being one of G-ds chosen people since they sold their brothers out for political correctness."
How dare you? You as much as said what I heard my whole life, "DAMN JEWS, YOU HAD IT COMING."
Let me tell you a thing or two. The last president who was noted to be our best friend sold us out on Jerusalem!! It is because of his broken promise to sign the embassy act that we fight once again for MY beloved JERUSALEM!! He didn't sign it by the way because he like his father, like Baker sleeps with the Saudi's.
How Bush sold us out while the whole of the Republican hierarchy kept their mouths shut, is the exact opposite of those right now who are keeping their mouths shut because of the evil narcissist Obama.
Your comment should have been deleted. What you said was one of the oldest, most damning accusations against Jews. However just because you are obviously conservative, it was overlooked. I forgot, your sh*t does not stink.
Well when you have convulsions next time the Quartet rails against Israel, remember, following the intifada of slaughter it was George Bush who formulated that very quartet of three openly hostile entities of Israel. ANd if G-d forbid the Saudi's would ever attack Israel with their nice gleaming fighter Jets it was Bush who broke an agreement with Israel to sell them in the first place.
I did not vote for Obama. I loathe him. I will fight for my beloved country Israel with my bare hands but for those who came before me who lost the good fight, I will never be blinded by partisan politics ever again.
And by the way Concerned Citizen. Tell me, in eight years that Bush was in office when each time he axed the embassy act, where was your voice? Where was your march on the White house.
You know of course each time Bush made bad on his campaign promise that in his first week of office he would sign the embassy act the Saudi government (if you can call it that) praised him. Of course he never denied renewing the lease on the PLO office in NY. (but never mind)
Signing the embassy act is more then placing a US embassy in Jerusalem. It is a move to tell the world, Jerusalem is the undivided capital of Israel.
The joke is on you. Our best friend did not sign it because he obviously believes JERUSALEM IS NOT THE UNDIVIDED CAPITAL OF ISRAEL.
I am sure because this thread is at the bottom, you will never read this but I sure feel a lot better for writing it knowing your silence was also another nail in our coffin.
Fear God, and give glory to him; for the hour of his judgment is come: and worship him that made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and the fountains of waters.
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