Just sign on the dotted line

The 'Palestinians' would love to have a 'state.' But they don't want to negotiate for it. They want it to be handed to them on a
silver platter.
According to a poll by Al-Najach University in Shechem, 60.8 percent of Palestinian Authority residents oppose the proximity talks intended to lead to renewed negotiations between the PA and Israel. The survey, which was released on Monday, says that 71 percent of the 1,356 Judea, Gaza and Samaria residents polled support PA Prime Minister Salam Fayyad's intention to declare a PA state in August 2011.
Only 14.3 percent supported talks with Israel while building was allowed in Jewish communiities in Judea and Samaria and 78.6 percent were opposed. Thirty-four percent favor direct talks if they lead to a stop in growth there, while 48.7 percent are for talks, once growth stops in the Jewish communities.
I guess they like that 'good reality.'
As long the Jews are good dhimmis, I guess the Arabs are ready to accept them. But not the Jews as equals and certainly not as human beings who have equal rights and aspirations.
Peace in the Middle East is a lot further away than giving the Palestinians a state on a silver platter along with requisite Israeli signature on the dotted line.
I would venture to guess that because the Palestinians have been so accustomed to not only thorough whitewashing but millions of dollars thrown their way by ill advised US administrations, world leaders and do-gooder ngo's, why would they not expect everything on a silver platter??
The Palestinians are nothing more then a terrorist entity completely and utterly enabled by those who knew better.
Actually I don't blame them half as much as those who enabled them.
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