Good news: 'Palestinians' have new demands for resuming talks
You could see
this coming:
The Palestinian Authority is expecting US Middle East envoy George Mitchell to bring assurances that Israel will cancel plans to build homes in east Jerusalem and the West Bank.
PA officials said over the weekend that without such assurances, the PA leadership would “find it very hard” to resume any form of talks with Israel.
“We hope Mitchell will bring with him the assurances we want,” said Tayeb Abdel Rahim, a senior aide to Abbas. “We want assurances that Israel will cancel plans to build 1,600 new homes [in Jerusalem’s Ramat Shlomo neighborhood] and that Israel would not continue with its arbitrary policies.”
He said that if the US wants the indirect talks between Israelis and Palestinians to be launched in the near future, it should see to it that Israel halts all settlement construction, including in east Jerusalem.
What could go wrong?
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