Confirmed: Netanyahu and Obama to meet Tuesday

It is now confirmed that Prime Minister Netanyahu will
meet with President Obama in Washington on Tuesday.
The invitation to meet was extended by US Special Middle East envoy George Mitchell during a meeting with Netanyahu on Sunday. Netanyahu's spokesman Mark Regev told Israel National News that Netanyahu will meet with Obama on Tuesday, following his address Monday to the AIPAC annual policy convention in Washington D.C.
“The Prime Minister will be meeting with the top Congressional leaders from both parties in both houses,” Regev had told Israel National News earlier Sunday. “He will also be meeting with senior administration officials,” he said, but refused to divulge further details. Obama administration officials had told reporters that no meeting between the two leaders has been scheduled.
Prime Minister Netanyahu is leaving for the United States Sunday night.
Also on Sunday, Netanyahu announced that he had informed the Obama administration that his government's policy on building in Jerusalem remains unchanged, but that he would make several goodwill gestures toward the Palestinians.
"Our policy on Jerusalem is the same policy followed by all Israeli governments for the 42 years, and it has not changed. As far as we are concerned, building in Jerusalem is the same as building in Tel Aviv," Netanyahu said.
"I believed it would be of great importance for these things not to remain in the context of commentary or speculation. I subsequently wrote a letter, at my own initiative, to the secretary of state so that things would be crystal clear."
Netanyahu added that he informed the Obama administration that the proximity talks between Israel and the Palestinians must address concerns from both sides but that "in order for agreements to be reached, there must be serious and direct talks."
However, Netanyahu has bowed to U.S. demands and promised the Obama administration that Israel will make several goodwill gestures toward the Palestinians ahead of his trip to Washington on Sunday night.
For the first time since Operation Cast Lead, Israel has agreed to ease the blockade on the Gaza Strip. Netanyahu has also agreed to discuss all core issues during the proximity talks, with the condition of reaching final conclusions only in direct talks with the PA.
At what point does Israel insist on direct talks? I can envision a scenario where everything is done through Mitchell and the parties just get together to sign, thus reaching a 'final conclusion.' What could go wrong? Unfortunately,
Somebody please enlighten me, when, oh when will the Pals be expected to make a "concession", such as finally amending that charter of theirs....or perhaps once and for all be held to account for the vile incitement emanating from PA controlled schools and media?
I understand double standards.....we're used to it, but it's simply outrageous that they are constantly given a pass on offering......ANYTHING!
Only Israel is expected to give. The Palestinians can just pocket the Israeli concessions. What kind of diplomacy is this?
What could go wrong indeed
"... but that he would make several goodwill gestures toward the Palestinians."
Jewish Karbonot...
No one ever asks the Palestinians to make goodwill gestures towards Israel. Of course as the world's eternal victim, they don't have to.
And no one fits the role of the villain better than the Jews, who have always been seen in that role for centuries.
The more things change...
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