Another concession to the 'Palestinians' that you won't hear about

The latest Israeli move is seen as a reward for the PA leadership for its increased security coordination with Israel in the West Bank.Why shouldn't Israel do this? After all, it's been so successful in the past. What could go wrong?
A PA official in Ramallah claimed that in recent months the Palestinian security forces managed to foil several terrorist attacks on Israel. The official pointed out that in one case PA policemen confiscated a home-made rocket that was supposed to be fired at Israel from the Ramallah area.
In a related development, the PA security forces arrested 28 Hamas supporters in the West Bank in the past 24 hours, Hamas sources said on Tuesday.
The sources accused the PA of stepping up its measures against Hamas supporters in the West Bank and warned that the crackdown would jeopardize efforts to achieve reconciliation between the Islamist movement and Fatah.
According to the sources, the PA security forces also raided a number of mosques in the Ramallah area over the past few days in search of weapons. Residents of Kharbata Bani Harith, 15 km. west of Ramallah, said the policemen destroyed furniture and windows inside a mosque.
P.S. Kharbata Bani Harith is right off Route 443 near Modiin. Barring a Knesset override of the Supreme Court, Route 443 will open to 'Palestinian' traffic in a couple of months. What could go wrong?
When I read these stories I am appalled. This is abject weakness and dhimmitude. Israel's continual acquiescence to the constant pressure for Jewish blood sacrifice to the death-cult of Islam is why I could not make Aliya. It would be a disrespect to my father, z"l, who taught me to love and cherish life.
They raided Mosques?
How dare they?!!!
They claim it was in search of weapons?
What is the proof?!!!
Someone get Goldstone onto the case!
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