
Sunday, February 07, 2010

The US should stop trying to condition its defense of Israel from Goldstone

Either the Obama administration cannot understand who is the next, real target of Goldstone and his friends, or they just don't care that the next Goldstone Commission will try to put Americans in the dock. Benny Avni (Israel Radio's New York correspondent who writes in the New York Post) explains.
America has heroically stood by Israel at the United Nations so far, letting everyone know that it would veto any Security Council attempt to send Goldstone's allegations to the ICC. But the Obama administration has also reportedly used the case as a club to beat Israel into yielding on such issues as settlements and reopening the Gaza border -- telling Jerusalem officials, Our fight against Goldstone would be much easier if . . .

Such an approach is clearly wrongheaded. Israel has always been the enemy's first target in the War on Terror.

From plane hijackings to suicide bombings, every terrorist tactic was created and perfected by anti-Israel terrorists before migrating to American and European shores. (The latest innovation: Gaza fishermen this week floated explosive-filled barrels to shore, forcing Israeli surfers and swimmers to abandon beautiful winter beaches.) Similarly, the Palestinian terrorists' use of Palestinian civilians' suffering to enrage world opinion was quickly copied in other theaters of war.

If Goldstone's tactics succeed, future imitators will surely build cases for "war crimes" in Iraq, Afghanistan or Yemen. Indeed, the ICC's top prosecutor, Luis Moreno-Ocampo, has already expressed interest in trying allegations against NATO troops, including Americans, operating against al Qaeda in Afghanistan.

The United States should protect Israel in this case as if it were protecting itself -- because it is.
So what do you think? Does Obama not get it? Or does he not care? And does it matter which it is?


  1. "From plane hijackings to suicide bombings, every terrorist tactic was created and perfected by anti-Israel terrorists before migrating to American and European shores. (The latest innovation: Gaza fishermen this week floated explosive-filled barrels to shore, forcing Israeli surfers and swimmers to abandon beautiful winter beaches.) Similarly, the Palestinian terrorists' use of Palestinian civilians' suffering to enrage world opinion was quickly copied in other theaters of war."

    We are running around in circles here. Every world leader knows the truth. You think they do not know terror was originated at the knees of Arafat and the Grand Mufti? To think otherwise is blind. It is the blindness why we keep looking for 'other' answers.

    They just don't care. Period. As long as the world can keep Israel as a pariah who cheats Palestinians of their very breath (even though it is the Palestinians who are the terrorists and Israel the victims of terror) the cabal of picking on Jews can continue. It does not matter if this stems from innate Antisemitism or Antisemitism disguised as something else. This is what it is.

    "So what do you think? Does Obama not get it? Or does he not care? And does it matter which it is?"

    This excuse for a President to which we are inflicted with simply picked up the gauntlet which others have been running with for quite some time. The difference is Obama is non too transparent about it, that's all.

    I say this with ease only because I have given up on politicians completely. I don't trust them or believe them...non of them. Let me tell you for that lack of trust it keeps ones eyes open all the time.

  2. Obama does "get it" and I think he does care but not with either of the two explanations you provided. His foreign policy vis a vis Israel would more than suggest that he does believe Israel engaged in war crimes and should be prosecuted under the auspices of a UN Tribunal. As to the US protecting it's own interests regarding the "war crimes" libel, I wouldn't be too sure that Obama doesn't think Bush and Company engaged in war crimes in Iraq.
