
Monday, February 08, 2010

Palin: Obama will win again if he backs Israel and bombs Iran

On Fox News Sunday, Sarah Palin said that President Obumbler could win re-election if he supported Israel and bombed Iran.
Speaking on Fox News, Palin stated, “Say he decided to declare war on Iran or decide to really come out and do whatever he could to support Israel–which I would like him to do. That changes the dynamics of what we can assume will happen between now and three years. Because I think if the election were today, Obama would not be elected.”

She wrote off President Obama as a man who lectures and does not lead. Palin charged that President Obama’s message to the American people is “just kind of sit down and shut up and accept. When he is up there and he is telling us basically, ‘I know best, my people here in the White House know best.'”

She described the President as being weak on terrorism and national defense. "We are in war," said the former Alaska governor. "These are acts of war that these terrorists are committing. We need to treat them a little bit differently than an American who is worthy, an American being worthy of our U.S. constitutional rights. I don’t think the terrorists are worthy of our rights.
So why did she endorse isolationist nut case Rand Paul in the Kentucky Republican primary? Robert Stacy McCain reports that Palin's endorsement has not helped Paul but has hurt Palin.

And here she is positively gushing about Rand's father Ron Paul, who would cut off all aid to Israel.

Let's go to the videotape.

Meanwhile, Andrew Sullivan complains that Palin's foreign policy would 'look like AIPAC's.' If only we could know that's true.

I really wish she'd get her act together and figure out what she stands for.


  1. He would also have cut off all aid to Arab countries, and we would have our sovereignty back.

    Not a Ron Paul fan, but I am not a fan of America subverting Israeli sovereignty.

  2. "So why did she endorse isolationist nut case Rand Paul in the Kentucky Republican primary? Robert Stacy McCain reports that Palin's endorsement has not helped Paul but has hurt Palin."

    Palin is a loose cannon. She is refreshing in many ways and I like her generally speaking. Rand Paul is down right crazy. Sorry to say Palin is speaking out of both sides of her mouth. We need a strong conservative candidate the media will not slice to threads.

    I pray the Republican party finds a good strong conservative candidate other then Sarah Palin. Having said that, I do not expect any candidate to fully support Israel even though they all say they do-will.

    As for Obama, he will not bomb Iran and he will not side with Israel, no way! What he will do is continue to acquiesce/bow and be weak kneed to the torrents of hate ravaged against Israel from the Islamic world and the world in general.

  3. Notice how all candidates spew their support of Israel as though we are fools. OOOPs, we are.

  4. Anonymous9:14 PM

    Ron Paul is not anti-Israel, he's just isolationist. Cutting off foreign aid would help Israel because Egypt, and the PA need it much more than we do. The biggest hit to Israel, though would be if the USA were to withdraw from the UN (which Paul also advocates), and Israel would have no protection from diplomatic attacks. Also, without US troops at the world's disposal, all sorts of nutcase dictators would become adventurists. Luckily, neither Paul nor son have any chance of influencing policy.
    Palin is not hurting her pro-Israel cred by supporting him.

  5. Anonymous9:14 PM

    Ron Paul is not anti-Israel, he's just isolationist. Cutting off foreign aid would help Israel because Egypt, and the PA need it much more than we do. The biggest hit to Israel, though would be if the USA were to withdraw from the UN (which Paul also advocates), and Israel would have no protection from diplomatic attacks. Also, without US troops at the world's disposal, all sorts of nutcase dictators would become adventurists. Luckily, neither Paul nor son have any chance of influencing policy.
    Palin is not hurting her pro-Israel cred by supporting him.

  6. I'm no fan of Rand Paul, but I kinda understand why Palin got behind him as opposed to the RINO the GOP establishment put up.

    it's probably not an endorsement I would have made but he isn't quite as out there as his father - who also isn't completely wrong on everything he has to say.

    In her speech at the tea party convention,she specifically mentioned backing our ally Israel as she has many times before..and on her lapel that night, she wore a pin with the US and Israeli flags intertwined.

    Both those stances take courage nowadays, and if you look at the record,she hasn't wavered an inch in supporting Israel..ever. And that includes back before she went national.

    She's more pro-Israel than a lot of lefty secular Jews I could name!

    I'm not worried about Sarah Palin's pro-Israel bonafides.

    If the Netanyahu government is thinking ahead, they'll bring her over to Israel firsthand and cement what's already a strong relationship.


  7. You shouldn't be so quick to praise Palin for being pro-Israel. I'm a self-described political moderate, and in my mind and the minds of most people I know who are on both the Right and Left, Palin is regarded as a dimwit. If the Republican Party runs her for President in 2012, I 100% guarantee she will LOSE. I just don't see the point in praising Palin, as she has NO realistic chance of winning the Presidency. She only appeals to far-right Republicans (who are not numerous enough to give her a win), and has NO appeal whatsoever to regular Republicans or Independents.

    In short, don't pin your hopes on Palin. I'm telling you now she absolutely will not win, and will never be in any position to influence America's Middle East policies.

  8. Sorry to see most of these comments. Jews have an unfortunate predeliction of neither knowing who their allies nor their enemies are.

    Palin is a staunch friend of Israel, and should be honoured as such. She has been smeared (very successfully, I might add) by the left-liberal media establishment, but has managed a fantastic comeback. At the moment she is the one politician in opposition who is driving the agenda. Her Facebook comments are right on the button, and several times have forced the WH or senior Democrats to play defence.

    Obviously the "moderate" David 77 has not bothered to look past the MSM or his right- and left-wing friends.

    If her comeback will lead her to a new challenge for the presidency or not is far too early to say. However, Israel could do much worse than having SP as a friend.

  9. Freedom Fighter,

    Saying you are pro-Israel means nothing.

    The track record thus far proves it means nothing.
