
Wednesday, February 10, 2010

'Palestinian police officer' murders IDF soldier near Tapuach junction

An IDF soldier was murdered on Wednesday near Tapuach junction. A 'Palestinian police officer' reached in through an open window as the soldier was waiting in traffic and stabbed him in the chest. The soldier died on his way to the hospital.
The IDF soldier was named as First-Sgt. Muhammad Ihab Khatib, from the northern village of Marar. He served as a logistics non-commissioned officer in the Kfir Brigade.

Khatib was waiting in his Sufa jeep in a queue of traffic when he was stabbed in the chest through an open window.

In the soldier's attempt to speed away, the vehicle overturned.

The assailant was then run over and lightly hurt by a local security officer from the nearby settlement of Rehelim. He was then arrested by police.

Khatib was evacuated to Petah Tikva's Beilinson Hospital, where he succumbed to the knife wounds.

The Binyamin and Samaria Citizens' Committee blasted Defense Minister Ehud Barak after the deadly attack.

“It’s no small wonder that when the defense minister is busy implementing the racist settlement construction freeze and with vain arrests of settlers, the terrorists and their accomplices are celebrating,” read a statement from the organization. “Today, the settlement freeze monitors visited Kfar Tapuah while the terror attack took place right under their noses.”
Let's keep pretending that the 'Palestinian police' are going to protect us. What could go wrong?


  1. I suggest we feed the PA "officer" a nice meal and then have him shot...

  2. He was a Druze not even a Jew. Don't hold your breath looking for an early cancellation of the racist "settlement freeze."

    What could go wrong indeed

  3. "Let's keep pretending that the 'Palestinian police' are going to protect us.

    I'm not pretending but the powers that be did. Just since around 06 the U.S. has been funding and training the Palestinian security forces (who march to the Nazi goosestep) at around 160 million.

    What could go wrong?

    Before our eyes we see what could go wrong.

  4. What matters is the PA has trained its forces to see Israel as the enemy. And there is the abysmal stupidity of Israeli leaders complicit in allowing a Palestinian army to built on Israel's doorstep. What could go wrong? Plenty - and Israel will learn nothing from this incident.
