
Sunday, February 07, 2010

Even Gates says no deal likely with Iran

When even America's staid and calm Defense Secretary Robert Gates sees little chance of a deal with Iran on its nuclear capability, perhaps President Obumbler can be convinced to move wholeheartedly on the sanctions route.
U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates said on Saturday he saw no sign a deal was close between Iran and Western powers on exchanging some of its low-enriched uranium (LEU) for higher-grade fuel, suggesting it was time to move forward with sanctions.

"I don't have the sense that we're close to an agreement," Gates told reporters in Ankara where he met Turkish leaders.


"But the reality is they have done nothing to reassure the international community that they are prepared to comply with the NPT (Non-Proliferation Treaty) or stop their progress towards a nuclear weapon, and therefore I think various nations need to think about whether the time has come for a different tack," Gates added, in an apparent reference to sanctions.

"The P5 plus one has always had a dual track approach - that engagement would be tried first, and if that didn't work, then pressure would be applied. The purpose of the pressure would be to bring Iran back to the negotiating table to negotiate seriously about constraining this program," he added.
Despite what I sad at the top of this post, I still doubt that Obama is going to abandon 'engagement.' But Gates is beginning to sound sensible, and maybe he can push Obama in the right direction.

What could go wrong?

1 comment:

  1. Hi Carl.
    When will they realise that he's only playing for time?
    Have a great week!
