
Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Demon Sheep II?

You will recall that last week, I linked to an ad known as the Demon Sheep ad, which was put out by former Hewlett Packard CEO Carly Fiorina, who is running for the Republican nomination for the US Senate in California. Fiorina's ad targeted Tom Campbell, who is the current front runner in that Senate race, calling him a 'wolf in sheep's clothing,' and a 'FCINO - Fiscal Conservative in Name Only.' Now, it turns out that there is another area in which Campbell is a wolf in sheep's clothing, and on which Fiorina may be starting to call him: support for Israel.
Tom Campbell, who has zipped into the lead in early polls, is quite another story. During his time in the House, Campbell was one of the few Republicans with a consistent anti-Israel voting record. In 1999, he introduced an amendment to cut foreign aid to Israel. This amendment, titled the Campbell Amendment, was defeated overwhelmingly on the House floor by a vote of 13-414. In 1999, Campbell was one of just 24 House members to vote against a resolution expressing congressional opposition to the unilateral declaration of a Palestinian state. In 1997, Rep. Tom Campbell authored an amendment (again titled the Campbell Amendment) to cut foreign aid to Israel. The resolution failed 9-32 in committee. In 1990, Campbell was one of just 34 House members to vote against a resolution expressing support for Jerusalem as Israel’s capital. The resolution passed the House 378-34. But Campbell has taken positions on more than just aid that have raised concerns about his views on Israel. As the Los Angeles Times reported in 2000, Campbell, in his losing race against Dianne Feinstein, “told numerous crowds–including Jewish groups–that he believes Palestinians are entitled to a homeland and that Jerusalem can be the capital of more than one nation.”
Jennifer Rubin reports that the third Republican candidate, Check Devore, has voiced strong support for Israel's self-defense.

Let's hope that Campbell doesn't get the nomination. He apparently is a wolf in sheep's clothing.

Read the whole thing.

1 comment:

  1. When someone is truly awful, they'll be abused by the Youtube Hitler, if he's not screaming about them at his assistant Gunsche.


    Demonsheep, indeed!
