Another lie about Sarah Palin exposed

Frank Rich, today, goes after Sarah Palin’s populism and calls it like it isn’t:Read the whole thing.“This is about the people,” as Palin repeatedly put it last weekend while pocketing $100,000 of the Tea Partiers’ money. Incredibly enough, this message is gaining traction.But the only thing that’s incredible — as in lacking credibility — is Rich’s claim. Palin isn’t “pocketing” anything. She’s already explained:“I will not benefit financially from speaking at this event. My only goal is to support the grassroots activists who are fighting for responsible, limited government — and our Constitution,” she wrote. “In that spirit, any compensation for my appearance will go right back to the cause.”According to Rich’s logic, Barack Obama “pocketed” $1.4million dollars in Nobel Prize money. After all, giving it away doesn’t count.
What I find amazing about this is the extent of the media's obsession with Palin, who is technically a private citizen at the moment. Haven't they got anything else to write about?
She won't be pocketing anything? Are you really that gullible?????
Palin is all about making a quick buck. Nothing else.
As unbelievable as it is to you Ginny, she actually donated the money. Most true conservatives tend not to lie about things like that. Unlike most liberals who speak about conservatives.
I guess the truth hurts.
But let me offer one last bit of advice. If Palin or Beck or anyone else is earning a prosperous living or a "quick buck" as you call it, more power to them. I have absolutely no problem with any American making it big. It brings prosperity and wealth to our nation. It generates revenue for our government. It creates more charitable giving. It puts money back into our banks and it creates exponentially more jobs than any liberal has ever claimed to do with entitlement programs.
So please shut the liberal pie hole, and accept the goodness of the free market. If what she is selling was not worthy she would not be making any money at all.
Thank God we are not gullible enough to believe you or Ellie Light or any other progressive hacks who try to spew your hateful lies. Now crawl back to your moveon cave and come up with a new schtick.
As unbelievable as it is to you Ginny, she actually donated the money. Most true conservatives tend not to lie about things like that. Unlike most liberals who speak about conservatives.
I guess the truth hurts.
But let me offer one last bit of advice. If Palin or Beck or anyone else is earning a prosperous living or a "quick buck" as you call it, more power to them. I have absolutely no problem with any American making it big. It brings prosperity and wealth to our nation. It generates revenue for our government. It creates more charitable giving. It puts money back into our banks and it creates exponentially more jobs than any liberal has ever claimed to do with entitlement programs.
So please shut the liberal pie hole, and accept the goodness of the free market. If what she is selling was not worthy she would not be making any money at all.
Thank God we are not gullible enough to believe you or Ellie Light or any other progressive hacks who try to spew your hateful lies. Now crawl back to your moveon cave and come up with a new schtick.
"Most true conservatives tend not to lie about things like that."
Well, that may or may not be true, but it has nothing to do with Palin. Palin is not a true conservative. She's a grifter. And she is famous for her lies.
Politicaljules, she hasn't given that money back to the "cause" nor will she.
I guess the truth hurts.
How has she or how will she donate it? She has vaguely said that the money will be given to "the cause." The law limits how much she can give. Will we see FEC reports about her gifts? It would have been more efficient to let the event organizers give her fee directly to "the cause," because when it passes through Sarah Palin's hands she is liable for income taxes, which reduce the amount that she can "give to the cause," by whatever her tax rate is. 25% of $100K is $25K, so if it hadn't passed through her hands, "the cause" would receive $100K instead of $75K, assuming her tax rate is 25%.
Exactly snowbilly. She can pocket the money and say whatever she wants. People like jules will buy anything she dishes up.
She's so full of it.
If Palin wants to be a private citizen, tell her to go away. No one is forcing her to put herself or her family in the public eye. In fact, apparently,70% of Americans don't see a future for her in national politics.
If she wants to be treated more respectfully, advise her to conduct herself in the same way. The reason she invites the kind of anger that she does is directly related to the snarky, rude, divisive way that she communicates about so many people and issues. I believe that she would invite less intense angry responses if she would dial her own rhetoric down...way way down.
so, where and to whom did palin donate the money?
as has already been shown, palin is really good at giving to her pac, and not anywhere else
and where has most of that pac money gone? to buying her book
carl, this is one person you shouldnt support
partially because she is a liar, partially because she is rather stupid...but mostly because she only supports israel because she believes in armageddon and the rapture
so you see..she supports a view that either you will convert or die
there are enough muslims in the world who believe that...and i dont see you cozying up to them
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