
Wednesday, February 10, 2010

The absentee ballot conundrum

Evelyn Gordon has an eminently sensible discussion of the absentee ballot issue I discussed on Tuesday.
The proposal put forth by Netanyahu’s largest coalition partner, Yisrael Beiteinu, would allow absentee ballots for anyone who has held a valid Israeli passport for the past 10 years — about 500,000 people. And opponents are right that this is far too broad. First, in terms of sheer numbers, that constitutes 7 percent of the total population and fully 10 percent of eligible voters — a far higher proportion than is the norm in other countries that allow absentee voting.

Moreover, many of the 500,000 people in question have been living abroad full-time for many years. Indeed, you can have a valid Israeli passport for 10 years without setting foot in the country that entire time. Thus people who are not living in Israel and whose daily lives are unaffected by the country’s policies would have a disproportionate impact on the outcome of any election.

This is particularly problematic because Israel is a country at war. Overseas residents are not the ones who will suffer daily rocket fire if a territorial pullout goes wrong, nor will their sons’ lives be at risk if the government launches a military operation. Thus it is completely inappropriate to give them a major voice in electing those who will make such decisions.

Yet at the same time, proponents of absenting voting are right that the current system is irredeemably unfair. Under current law, the only people allowed to vote absentee are sailors and diplomats (and their families). Hence a businessman who lives in Israel year-round but happens to be abroad attending a major trade fair on Election Day cannot vote. Ditto for a professor who has taught for 20 years at an Israeli university but happens to be on sabbatical abroad during election year — unless he is willing to pay $1,000 to fly to Israel for Election Day and cast his ballot there. It is long past time for Israel to stop disenfranchising such citizens.

It is not technically difficult to distinguish permanent overseas residents from Israelis there temporarily, as it was in days gone by. The law could simply require absentee voters to have spent a specified proportion of the past five (or seven or 10) years in Israel, and ballot applications could be checked against border-control data to see if the applicant qualified.
I would add another test: If you pay taxes in Israel (other than on rent collected by owning an apartment here), you can vote and if you don't, you can't. Most Israelis who leave don't bother to pay taxes. Many who intend to return do bother to pay National Insurance payments (because when and if you come back, you have to make them up if you haven't paid them).

The American way of letting everyone who holds citizenship vote won't work here. On a percentage basis, the number who have left is too high. On the other hand, the Americans also require that you file tax returns even if you reside permanently abroad, and with the Bush tax credits being paid to us as well, my guess is that the percentage of Americans who file from abroad has increased dramatically over the last ten years.


  1. Absentee ballots for Israelis abroad are important and much needed. It should not be linked to paying taxes or whatever. My daughter is studying at an American university. She will be abroad for many years. Why should the Israeli government think that her vote is any less important because she, and so many other Israeli students, chose to get her degree abroad? Israelis abroad generally have family, friends and colleagues in Israel. They should not be alienated from the political process in the homeland.

  2. I think you hit on the perfect item...if you pay Bituach Leumi while abroad you get to vote, if not-you don't.

    It's a clear sign of your association with the country and intention to return.

    BTW, if you don't pay for a year, not only do you have to make up the payments on return BUT you don't get insurance for 1 year after return WHILE STILL PAYING. I guess that makes sure you didn't return due to sudden diagnosis of expensive disease abroad. This does not apply to children, adults only. Guess how I learned? :-(

  3. Carl - if 500,000 Israelis living abroad are going to be enfranchised, then it makes sense to have them pay taxes as Americans living abroad are required to do. I think that's only fair and something like could worked out for absentee voters.
