Al-Qaeda: Breasts with bombs

One of the very strange Leftist anti-Israel protest groups in the San Francisco area is called
Breasts not Bombs. There's a pictorial of one of their demonstrations
here - I don't suggest opening it at work or in front of children. Al-Qaeda is developing its own version of
Breasts not Bombs. They call it
Breasts with Bombs (Hat Tip:
Jammie Wearing Fool).
Until now, terrorists have attacked airlines, Underground trains and buses by secreting bombs in bags, shoes or underwear to avoid detection.
But an operation by MI5 has uncovered evidence that Al Qaeda is planning a new stage in its terror campaign by inserting ‘surgical bombs’ inside people for the first time.
Security services believe the move has been prompted by the recent introduction at airports of body scanners, which are designed to catch terrorists before they board flights.
It is understood MI5 became aware of the threat after observing increasingly vocal internet ‘chatter’ on Arab websites this year.
A leading source added that male bombers would have the explosive secreted near their appendix or in their buttocks, while females would have the material placed inside their breasts in the same way as figure-enhancing implants.
Experts said the explosive PETN (Pentaerythritol Tetranitrate) would be placed in a plastic sachet inside the bomber’s body before the wound was stitched up like a normal operation incision and allowed to heal.
A shaped charge of 8oz of PETN can penetrate five inches of armour and would easily blow a large hole in an airliner.
Security sources said the explosives would be detonated by the bomber using a hypodermic syringe to inject TATP (Triacetone Triperoxide) through their skin into the explosives sachet.
Security sources fear the body-bombers could pretend to be diabetics injecting themselves on airliners, Tubes or buses in order to prevent anyone stopping their suicide missions.
Companies such as Smiths Detection International UK, which is based in Watford, Hertfordshire, manufacture a range of luggage and body scanners designed to identify chemicals, explosives and drugs at airports and other passenger terminals around the world.
These include high-specification X-ray equipment that could identify body bombs.
But one source with expertise in the field said: ‘They can make as many pieces of security equipment as they like but there is no one magic answer that can spot every single potential terrorist passing through.’
No, there isn't. But the Israelis have a darned good track record - much better than anything else that has been tried.
Maybe now the idiotic TSA will finally sit up and adopt the Israeli model of sizing up travelers before they even get near check-in.
rarely seen such ugly women, they should all wear burkhas without exemption
Ugh! Looks like The Usual Suspects in San Francisco, radical lesbians and various other hard left kooks. I lived in northern Calif. for almost 20 years. If nothing else, San Francisco offers huge entertainment value to those of us who haven't sipped the Kool-Aid of hard-Leftism.
"‘They can make as many pieces of security equipment as they like but there is no one magic answer that can spot every single potential terrorist passing through.’ No, there isn't. But the Israelis have a darned good track record - much better than anything else that has been tried."
That's because, from what I've read elsewhere, that Israeli airport-aircraft security doesn't act with Political Correctness, but with common sense. Among other steps, Israeli security profiles.
Jews from Israel and middle-aged grandmothers from Iowa AREN'T terrorists. Muslims, especially from the Middle East, plus radicalized black Muslims in the US ARE the potential terrorists.
(Mark Steyn comments on "Mohammeds".)
A Typical Government Solution - an operation by MI5 has uncovered evidence that Al Qaeda is planning a new stage in its terror campaign by inserting ‘surgical bombs’ inside Women’s breasts. - The Government announced today that women must wear a special anti-bomb suit when they are in public. Like this one: Also since it is men that make these women do this, no woman shall be allowed in public without at least one male relative.
No Muslims, no terror.
Do the math.
• Smile is the shortest distance between two people.
• Those who are able to control their rage can conquer their most serious enemy.
• Knowledge and skills are tools, the workman is character.
• Being careful in judging an opinion is a sign of wisdom.
• You recognize birds from their singging, you do people from their talks.
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