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Wednesday, December 16, 2009

'Our friends the Saudis' still think disarming Israel is the answer

Incredibly, in light of the revelation that Iran has been working on a trigger mechanism for a nuclear weapon, 'our friends the Saudis' are still more concerned with the possibility that democratic Israel may have nuclear weapons than they are with the possibility that the apocalyptic mullahcracy in Iran may acquire nuclear weapons.
At the same time, Middle Eastern diplomats warned of a regional nuclear arms race and demanded greater involvement in diplomatic efforts to force an Iranian climbdown.

A Saudi diplomatic source, describing the fears of a nuclear arms race in the region, said: “We want the region free of nuclear weapons, including Israel.” He called Israel a “huge obstacle in this process.”
Not that it will change the Saudis' minds, but here are some of the reasons why their claim is absurd:

1. If Israel has nuclear weapons, it has had them for 45 years and has never used them, including in 1967 and 1973 when its very existence was in jeopardy.

2. Israel has never threatened to annihilate any of its neighbors and seeks to live in peace with them. Iran threatens constantly to annihilate Israel.

3. As a rule, democracies like Israel do not make aggressive wars. Dictatorships like Iran do. Look who has started wars in the last century.

4. Most of the world's wars today involve Muslims. There's a reason for that. Israel is not a Muslim country.

5. Iran will not give up its nuclear weapons pursuit even if Israel were to disarm tomorrow. Israel is just the canary in the coal mine and it is not what Iran is ultimately seeking to destroy.

If the Saudis have not understood this by now, they never will. And unfortunately, Barack Hussein Obama believes he has to bow to the Saudis.

What could go wrong?


At 12:02 PM, Blogger Alpha3958 said...

Many people believe that Saudi Arabia has several nukes that were built in Pakistan.

At 1:36 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

What the Saudis really mean about the word "obstacle" is they would be able to overrun Israel without fear of significant retribution if they did not believe Israel had strategic deterrents in place.

So the Israeli strategy is working.

Too bad the Saudis and other arabs can't put aside their fragile egos and do whats right for their people, making peace with Israel. So much benefit would flow to them by doing so, so little benefit flows to them by continuing on in their attempt do de-Judaize Israel.

Arabs will never ever miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity. Stop trying to salve their fragile egos, and start ignoring them unless they are existential threats. In those cases, take the fight to them, as harshly, as brutally as you can.

The next arab/terrorist that tries something to Israelis/Jews, turn them into an example, an object lesson for their bretheren. Give them something to fear.


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