Obama lectures Jews but not Muslims

At Big Government, Stage Right points out a disturbing trend that is evident from comparing President Obama's holiday greetings to Jews and Muslims: Obama lectures the Jews about 'tolerance' while telling
sycophantic lies about Muslims' contributions to the world. This is how Stage Right finishes up:
Do I think the President is Muslim? Of course not.
Do I think he is anti-Semitic? Of course not.
Do I think that he has an instinctive need to ingratiate himself to the Islamic world, despite the fact the extreme fringes of that world make up the most dangerous enemy our nation faces at this time in history? And, do I fear that he takes for granted the single ally we have in the region this enemy inhabits, publicly humiliating and insulting them with lectures for tolerance on their Holy Days? Do I think the President could truly serve our national interest by using his tremendous clout in the Islamic Community to lean on them and pry a little tolerance from THEM, (not to mention SERIOUS condemnation of the violence done in the name of their Faith)?
What do YOU think?
What do I think? I think that the answer to every question in the last paragraph is "yes." I think the President might be anti-Semitic (he's too discreet to let it come out into the open, but so was Jimmy Carter while he was President and there is little doubt today that Carter is an anti-Semite). And I think you should
read the whole thing.
Agreed. Let's not pretend he likes Jews or cares for Israel and the people around like Israel even less. Obama is not a true friend of Israel.
"Do I think he is anti-Semitic? Of course not."
What justifies the "Of course" ?
Or, for that matter, the "not" ?
"American Muslims are successful in business and entertainment; in the arts and athletics; in science and in medicine."
I got a good laugh from this.
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