Hamas sued in Belgian court

The lawsuit is intended as a response to Palestinian legal warfare against Israel and the various lawsuits filed against Israelis in international courts. It was filed on behalf of 15 Israeli citizens who live in the Gaza periphery and who hold Belgian citizenship.Let's see how hypocritical the Europeans can be. Heh.
Among the Hamas leaders targeted by the lawsuit are Hamas's Damascus-based leader Khaled Mashaal, Hamas Prime Minister in Gaza Ismail Haniyeh, former foreign minister Mahmoud Zahar and Ahmed Jabri, who heads the group's military wing.
"The request for arrest warrants was submitted after six months of legal preparation and is based on strict evidence which ties Hamas leaders to terror attacks in which Belgium citizens ware harmed," the Israelis' attorney, Roel Coveliers, said.
"The Goldstone report says, among other things, that the rocket attacks by Hamas constitute a violation of international humanitarian law, so as a member of the United Nations, I don't believe Belgium will ignore the complaint," Coveliers said.
It marks the second lawsuit in recent months filed against a terror organization for its attacks on Israelis.
The picture is kids in a Sderot school taking cover during a rocket attack.
That's the way to turn the tables on Hamas. Israel should allow Israeli victims to bring similar charges against Hamas and PA leaders in its own courts. Lawfare can also be leveraged against the Palestinians.
It might be interesting to note that this has provoked quite a stir in Belgium. Anti-Zionists of course take the opportunity to pour their ignorant nonsense on the local media, but that is to be expected. There is however an additional twist to this story.
Coveliers, the lawyer that was picked by the plaintiffs, is close, if not part, of the "Vlaams Belang" party (extreme right). In itself, probably not the most judicious pick of course. But what's worse, a few Belgian (Zionist) organization complain (and I quote) that this claim and the choice of the lawyer could cause a public relation disaster for Israel.
Me thinks it's time that we kind of organize and coordinate this kind of initiatives, or we risk to cause more of those pr disasters.
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