Why the Israeli foreign ministry called an American blogger
At Pajamas Media, Connecticut Yankee's Bob Owens explains why he got a call on Monday from the Israeli foreign ministry:
This morning, I was contacted by the Israeli Foreign Ministry about a photo I had blogged about on July 15, 2007, regarding a Shiite rocket attack on U.S. forces in Iraq.
The rockets recovered by the Israeli Navy last week, bound for terrorists in Lebanon, are identical to those Iran provided to Shiite militias targeting American soldiers in Iraq. There are numerous similar reports of Iranian weapons being shipped to the Taliban in Afghanistan, including one cache uncovered just two months ago.

On October 4, 2001, then-Prime Minister Ariel Sharon tried to convince the world that the same people who pulled off 9/11 were also attempting to destroy Israel. Those people were and are Iran and the Islamist terror groups it supports. Then-President Bush rejected Sharon's efforts. President Obama is continuing with the Bush policy of ignoring the fact that Iran is arming America's and Israel's enemies.
Does anyone other than Obama and the American Left believe that Bush was right and Sharon was wrong?
Read the whole thing.
Really, the IDF Spox could use this photo to turn the Goldstone process back onto Israel's neighbors... Shooting these rockets into civilian areas constitutes MAJOR WAR CRIMES. IDF Spox could take one of these exact rockets and use it as a demo... graphics of it being shot off from a residential area of Leb or Gaza, showing its flight over the border into Israel, then a google earth zoom in showing it crash landing in an Israeli civilian area. Then graphics with engineering drawings showing what happens when it explodes (range and damage level of blast and fragments). Then one clip of the rocket exploding with people walking down the street describing types of injuries, and an alternate clip showing Israelis running to the shelters so that when the rocket lands, most of the people are safe. And then a clip showing types of shelters, safe rooms, etc. And then spreadsheets of the amount of $$, training, etc. that goes into the shelters and another spreadsheet showing what it takes (for example during Leb II) to keep people in the shelters... turn it back on them!
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