Stupid Jews: IDF ordered not to shoot to kill firebombers
The IDF has been ordered to shoot only at the legs of firebombers and then only before they throw their incendiary devices. Once the bombers have thrown their weapons and start to retreat, soldiers may no longer shoot at them. The new orders are meant to CHANGE the atmosphere in Judea and Samaria and make the 'Palestinians' lives easier. I kid you not.Whereas for decades, fire bombs have been treated as a lethal weapon and IDF soldiers were instructed to shoot to kill whoever throws them, the new instructions only permit soldiers to shoot at the fire bomber's legs, and even then – only up to knee level.Lest you think that firebombs are not lethal weapons, please allow me to introduce you to Dov Kalmanovich. Dov (whom I have actually met in person) had the misfortune of being the first victim of the first 'intifadeh' in 1987. A firebomb was thrown into his car as he was driving. He sustained third degree burns over much of his body and is lucky to be alive.
If the firebomb has already been thrown and the bomber has turned his back on the soldier – the soldier may not fire at all.
The IDF Spokesman's Unit said in response that “firing at firebombers is carried out in accordance with the regular procedures and only in cases where there is danger to life. These procedures have recently been clarified and do not constitute a change in the policy for opening fire.”

Don't let anyone tell you a firebomb is not a lethal weapon. That's a load of you-know-what. For the IDF to endanger soldiers' lives by pretending that firebombs are not lethal weapons is inexcusable.
Someone's family is going to sue the IDF if a soldier gets injured or killed as a result of this insane order.
Stupid Jews! The IDF's first priority should be protecting the lives of its soldiers not the lives of those seeking to kill them!
Oy vey!
Kill them!!
OTW they'' be more Shalit style kidnappings to free them
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