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Friday, October 02, 2009

Overnight music video

I don't have a translation of the introduction in which Mordechai Ben David reads from the words of Rabbi Levi Yitzchak of Berditchev, but the rest of this is once again from the Psalms that make up the Hallel prayer. This is from Psalm 116 and I do have a translation. This tune has become exceedingly popular in Israel in the last few years.

For those who don't figure it out, this video was shot on someone's porch overlooking the Western Wall, the Temple Mount and the Mount of Olives.

Let's go to the videotape. The words in Hebrew, English and Spanish are below the video (Hashem means God).

Ma - ashib HaShem, koltagmulohi 'alay.
(I have to give back to HaShem for all His kindness to me?)
(Qué he de retribuirle a HaShem por todas Sus benevolencias para conmigo?)

Kos-yeshu'ot esá, ubshem Hashem ekrá.
(Raise the cup of salvation and call on the name of HaShem)
(Alzaré la copa de la salvación e invocaré el nombre de HaShem)

Nedaray Hashem ashalem, negda-na lejol-'amó.
(HaShem will fulfill my vows to now, in the presence of all His people)
(Cumpliré mis votos a HaShem ahora, en presencia de todo Su pueblo)

Yakar be'ené HaShem, hamavetá lajasidav.
(Valuable in the eyes of HaShem is the death of His devotees)
(Valiosa a los ojos de HaShem es la muerte de Sus devotos)

Aná HaShem ki-aní 'abdeja, aní 'abdejá benamateja, pitajta lemoseráy.
(Please, O HaShem, for I am Your servant! I am Your servant, son of Your maidservant; You have opened my chains)
(¡Por favor, oh HaShem, pues yo soy Tu siervo! Yo soy Tu siervo, el hijo de Tu sierva; Tú has abierto mis cadenas)

Lejá ezbaj zébaj todá, ubshem HaShem ekrá.
(You sacrifice thank offerings and invoke the name of HaShem)
(A ti sacrificaré ofrendas de agradecimiento, e invocaré el nombre de HaShem.)

Nedaray HaShem ashaelem, negda-na lejol-'amo.
(HaShem will fulfill my vows to now, in the presence of all His people)
(Cumpliré mis votos a HaShem ahora, en presencia de todo Su pueblo)

Bejatsrot bet HaShem betojeji Yerushaláyim haleluyá.
(In the atrium of the house of HaShem, in the midst of Yerushalayim ¡Haleluyá!)
(En los atrios de la Casa de HaShem, en medio de Yerushaláyim ¡Haleluyá!)


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