'Negotiations' with the 'Palestinians' less likely than ever

Over the last few weeks, there has been concern in Jerusalem that as the election process nears, it will not be a time of great "creativity" and "flexibility" on the Palestinian side. Rather, as the US tries to put together a framework for Palestinian-Israeli talks, the concern is that an Abbas playing to the Palestinian electorate will lead to a "hardening of positions."What happens if Hamas wins again?
The impact of the elections has for the last few weeks been a factor Jerusalem has taken into consideration when trying to explain the difficulty the Americans are having in putting together a framework acceptable to both sides. While Abbas only announced the elections on Friday, the likelihood of a vote has been in the air for weeks.
The Palestinians have said that there must be a complete settlement freeze before negotiations can be restarted, and - according to the Israeli account of the pre-negotiations taking place - have shown no flexibility at all on the matter, something now attributed by some in Jerusalem to domestic Palestinian electoral considerations.
What happens if someone in Fatah runs against Abu Mazen and wins?
Abbas is likely to be replaced by Mohammed Ghaneim... he is a very hardline Fatah leader. I don't see the talks ever resuming - if anything, the PA has gotten more extreme and rejectionist with time.
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