Lieberman tells Mitchell no deal possible now

"I will tell him clearly, there are many conflicts in the world that haven't reached a comprehensive solution and people learned to live with it," Lieberman told Israel Radio.I think that was tried once. It was called the "Oslo accords" and it called for an interim agreement with a final status agreement to be reached within five years. After seven years during which no agreement could be reached due to 'Palestinian' intransigence, the 'Palestinians' launched a terror war.
"But together with this, people made the most dramatic decision. To give up using force. To give up terror. And to stop inciting against one another," he said.
"What is possible to reach is a long-term intermediate agreement ... that leaves the tough issues for a much later stage," Lieberman said, referring to issues like the future status of Jerusalem, Palestinian refugees and borders.
Maybe we'd better try something else. How about managing the conflict without an agreement - interim or otherwise.
Israelis can live with it. No one has ever found a solution to the Cyprus conflict despite decades of trying. Some conflicts simply cannot be solved. The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is one of them.
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