Mutual dislike

The Obama administration has also given the impression that Israel, and not Hamas or Iran or Israel's Arab neighbors, is the primary impediment to peace in the Middle East. By making very public demands of Israel while putting no public pressure on the other parties to the conflict, the administration sought and succeeded in creating the appearance of "daylight" between Washington and Jerusalem. The question is what did they hope to accomplish other than convincing Israelis that the Obama administration is not on their side?The only other item Goldfarb discussed is the Obama administration's apparently fervent wish that the new Japanese government take action against Israel.
But you don't reach a 96% level of mistrust without a lot of other reasons. There's Obama's surrounding himself with advisers who have expressed anti-Semitic views and/or a willingness to use force against Israel to force a 'solution.' There's his obvious siding with Abu Mazen's Fatah as if that organization could carry out a treaty with us even if it were to sign one. There's his support for the 'take it or leave it' 'Saudi plan,' which would leave us in a rump state with a majority of Arabs and which Obama cannot understand is non-negotiable on the Arab side.
96% in any poll in a democratic country is an astounding figure. Those kinds of percentages are usually only reached under fascist regimes. We are not a fascist regime. While there are still a few Israelis out there who are trying to claim that 96% of Israeli Jews 'misunderstand' Obama, the bottom line is that 96% of Israeli Jews could not be wrong. Obama doesn't like this country. And we don't like him either.
The only people in Israel who think Obama is pro-Israel are the likes of Gershon Baskin at the Jerusalem Post and they are a decided minority.
time to put up or shut up
which of obama's advisors have publicly made anti jewish remarks?
not that it really matters...nixon was a great jew hater, but a friend of israel
bush 1 was a friend of israel, and surrounded himself with virulent jew haters...all of which thought israel should be sold down the river for a barrel of oil
so come on carl...list the statements that show rahm hates jews...maybe you are talking about one of obama's other jewish advisors...or hillary clinton
what a foolish comment to make
its funny, during the 8 years of bush 2, israel's security and standing in the world community detiorated significantly...mostly because of bush the war in iraq, which has now made iran a super power in the region
but israelis continue to see bush as a friend cuz he talked nice about them
my god...when will you people wake up?
bush believes in the armageddon scenario
he wanted a strong israel so that the war of gog and magog would occur and all jews would either convert or die
what a great friend
What does he think the Japanese will do? Send Godzilla? Their economy is only now recovering, they aren't the techno giant they once were, and they have no real army.
Obama believes that Bibi's government will collapse in Sept, that Livni will then become PM and he can bully Israel into anything.
Boy is he going to to have egg on his face.
Just another reason to be glad you're there instead of here, among the 60 million + idiots that think he's just so dreamy.
I thought you read this blog.
Samantha Power.
Robert Malley.
Rashid Khalidi.
Jeremiah Wright.
Zbigniew Brzezinski.
Susan Rice.
Chas Freeman.
Brent Scowcroft (yes, I know he also worked for Bush I - I never said Bush I was a whole lot better).
Merrill McPeak (first name may be wrong).
Is that enough?
10 to 1 that Bacci40's response will be that these people may have made anti-Israel comments, not anti-Jewish comments...because of course we all know that anti-Israel people are NEVER anti-semites...on the contrary, it is because they are such good friends of the Jews that they feel compelled to show Israel where its policies are wrong.
Nonsense! It is so bloody obvious that the Obama administration would like nothing better than to see Israel disappear as a Jewish state that only people who have bought into Obama the Messiah don't see it.
Bacci40, what are you smoking?
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