How to engage with Ahmadinejad without being seen with him

For that matter, the Obumbler doesn't want to be seen with Muamar Gadhafi either. So what's a President to do? Well, it sounds like the President is getting some blockers to make sure that Ahmadinejad and Gadhafi don't come near him.
Mr Obama is performing a carefully choreographed diplomatic dance. American diplomats have been busy behind the scenes trying to ensure that his star turn on the world stage is not marred by any uncomfortable encounters with the Libyan leader, Colonel Muammar Gaddafi, or President Ahmadinejad of Iran.
Mr Obama is due to deliver his maiden address to the 192-nation General Assembly on Wednesday morning — immediately before Colonel Gaddafi. He is expected to proclaim Washington’s full engagement with the UN after eight years of the internationally unpopular Bush Administration.
Susan Rice, his UN Ambassador, has summed up the speech thus: “Everybody has a responsibility. The US is leading anew, and we’re looking to others to join.”
America’s first black President — who plans to host a first luncheon for black African leaders — has celebrity status at the United Nations. He is likely to receive a standing ovation from delegates, in sharp contrast to Mr Bush, who used to refer to his stony-faced reception as a visit to the “wax museum”.
Before making his address, Mr Obama will hold a pro-forma meeting with Ali Treiki, the former Libyan Foreign Minister, who is this year’s General Assembly president.
US diplomats, however, have been consulting UN protocol officers on ways to ensure that Mr Obama — who strongly criticised Britain’s release of Abdul Baset Ali al-Megrahi, the convicted Lockerbie bomber — does not cross paths with Colonel Gaddafi in the General Assembly chamber. Plans are afoot for separate entrances and exits from the podium.
Mr Obama will find it harder to avoid an embarrassing handshake with Colonel Gaddafi when he becomes the first US President to chair the 15-nation UN Security Council for a special session on nuclear non-proliferation on Thursday.

They will sit just a few feet away from each other around the table — along with Gordon Brown.Wouldn't it be funny if the desert dictator planted a kiss on Obama's cheek for the cameras? I'd pay for that one.
If Obumbler thinks the world's dictators, thugs and terrorists are going to cooperate with the US, he's a Bambi looking to get eaten.
And the rest of the world will love to have a naive and feckless American President for lunch.
What could go wrong indeed
Wouldn't it be nice to see Gaddaffi repeat his opinion he so frequently said before that obama is a muslim out of africa.
and wouldn't it be nice to hear gaddaffi thank obama for agreeing to release his terrorist held in scotland for the slaughter of thousands, as he so frequently said before.
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