Foul-mouthed Jewish 'comedienne' invited to speak on 9/11... by Chabad?

U are invited to our friday night dinner.As a result of Bernhard's foul mouth, she lost a gig as the keynote speaker for a women's shelter in Boston last fall.
Meet, mingle & network with other young professionals while enjoying delicious Persian food together with wine & beer in a very relaxed, warm and intimate environment.
Guest speaker will be Comedian Sandra Bernhard. Hilarious & Funny!!! Topic will be "Finding Spirituality in a Modern World"
Marriott Hotel, 410 E. 92nd Street. Friday September 11 @ 8.00 pm
Dinners are always sold out so book early to ensure your seat...
Cost $25 - Reserve online at
I am stunned that Chabad would invite this potty-mouthed 'comedienne' to speak at all, and it is in especially poor taste for the night of 9/11.
OK...I belong to a Chabad Shul...this is completely nuts. I am going to assume that this is either a mistake or a hoax because surely Chabad would never condone the kind of nonsense that this idiot spouts.
If it is deliberate, then surely the Rebbe is having a major spin in his grave right now!
What is wrong with them?
If Chabad didn't know, they sure do by now.
And if they did know, there's no excuse.
A terrible Hillul Hashem, either way.
I would have assumed the same, but the person who sent me the invitation (yes, I have the actual invitation and a copy of her email to the Chabad Rabbi involved protesting it) is someone I have met personally and when you click through to the link, it certainly looks legitimate.
'Stunned' is not even strong enough...I feel revulsion unlike any other.
My husband is calling our Chabad Rabbi. As we are in the 'burbs,he might not have heard. And to do this on the evening of 9/11 is unreal.
She is a shanda at the very least.
What, Rosanne Barr wasn't available? Perhaps it's the cloistered education many of them receive, but when it comes to the real world, Chabad people can be rather clueless.
I am also a Chabad shul member, for over 20 years. I just contacted to protest at
this ´comedienne` looks like a man
Chrysler 300M,
If you follow that first link, it includes a video of her appearance in Washington last September. She is definitely a woman.
Warning - the video is quite vulgar. She may be a woman but she is not a lady.
Really unbelievable. Maybe the person who arranged it didn't KNOW?
I have sent the link to my Chabad Rabbi and he told me he would get right on it, right after he picked himself off the floor!
This HAS to be a joke. There simply is no other rational explanation!
Chrysler 300M said...
this ´comedienne` looks like a man
As a man, I'm personally insulted.
Step outside.
I just called my Chabad Rabbi and complained about this... This is unbelievable... There must me more outrage!
her appearance in Washington last September. She is definitely a woman.
hmmmmmmmmmmmm, if you say so, who am I to doubt this...
but, "she" does have male features in the face....
My Chabad Rabbi, whom I contacted after I saw your posting, contacted the Rabbi who invited her and got a response. In a nutshell, the lady has been looking into her Jewish roots lately and appears to be making Teshuva... to a certain extent.
WOuld you like to see the official response from the Rabbi?
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