'Our friends the Saudis': Bowing down isn't enough

President Obumbler bowing down to King Abdullah is apparently
not enough to keep the Saudis happy.
Experts argue that the roots of the disagreement with Saudi Arabia, considered a linchpin for progress, go deeper.
Jon Alterman, director of the Middle East program at the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington, said the Saudis are disappointed with many aspects of Obama's policy: His drive for ending America's dependency on foreign oil, the decision not to appoint a close confidant as ambassador to Saudi Arabia and choosing the route of diplomatic engagement with Iran.
"There is a Saudi feeling that this administration does not recognize the importance of Saudi Arabia and does not appreciate them," Alterman said.
I have never understood why the United States does not just develop its own energy resources, break its dependence on the Saudis and leave that backward kingdom in the 8th century where it belongs. The Saudis have never been 'our friends.' That's always been a myth (and that's without even talking about the Saudi role in financing terror generally and in 9/11 in particular).
There's a simple answer to your question about why the US doesn't get the Saudi monkey off it's back, Carl. I call it the Saudi Government Pension Augmentation Plan.
Although the UAE sheiks do it too.
If you play ball, after you leave government they will hire you at six figure fees for 'speeches' or as a 'consultant', fund foundations (like the Carter peace center) that pay you a handsome salary as 'director' provide massive funding for you presidential library or even give you an inside track to making a fortune by doing business with them (i.e Bill Clinton's deals with the UAE and Qatar and the Bush family's deals with th eArabs via the Carlyle fund, where a huge chunk of their family money is).
Sometimes, guys who are momentarily out of government like SecDef Robert Gates start receiving the golden parachute and then give it up while they're in office, but they know it's there waiting for them if they're good lil' dhimmis.
That's the key.
If I had the power, one of the first laws I would pass would be to outlaw anyone who received a government paycheck from accepting employment, honorariums or remuneration of any kind from a foreign government for 15 years. And I'd make it retroactive.
Rob @JoshuaPundit
Saudis are several miles cleverer than Nobama
The truth, the real reason behind all this, is the most powerful lobby in the US. No, not AIPAC, no matter how long and loud Jew-haters trumpet that lie. It's the Oil Lobby - including the AUTO lobby. Does anyone really think we are going to develop alternative fuels while they can make money off gasoline engines?
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