Israel to compensate UN for Gaza?

I've been sitting on this link for a few days; I just haven't gotten around to posting it.
The United Nations has demanded $11 million in compensation for damages to their buildings that were being used to shield 'Palestinian' terrorists during Operation Cast Lead - and according to President Shimon Peres Israel is considering paying up.
"It's under consideration," Peres told reporters after meeting U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon. "About the compensation, the government has now appointed a group which studies how to handle it, and I think the results will come very soon."Not with my tax shekels you don't!
A report by a U.N. inquiry board, a summary of which became public on Tuesday, put the cost of damage to U.N. property in Gaza during the conflict at over $11 million, almost all of it caused by Israeli forces.
The government should subtract this sum from whatever money they transfer to the "Palestinian" authority.
Or, better yet, tell UN to ask Obama to give them these $11 million from those $900 million he's going to pay to Hamas.
What Israel should do (but of course, will not) is agree to pay minus all the damage UN-protected terrorists have caused. When they pay up - Israel can return $11 million of that money.
When will we actually stand up for ourself? Argh.
Shimon Peres is lucid on occasion. Most of the time he is devoid of self-respect and is mind-numbingly stupid. What does Israel need to compensate the Jew-hating UN for? For exercising its lawful right of self-defense which the UN has condemned? HELL NO! Israel should pay the UN when hell freezes over first!
The "Palestinians" should be pay Israel for all of the damage their rockets and mortars have inflicted on mostly civilian infrastructure over so many years: schools, homes, synagogues, factories, etc. I'm sure that when the cost of all of their damages are added up, it will come to far more than $11 million.
It's time to pack Peres in mothballs and put him in storage.
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