But of course, it's a Zionist plot!

After Hezbullah all but admitted that it was operating in Egypt, Iranian foreign minister Manouchehr Mottaki claimed on Wednesday that it was - what else - a Zionist plot.
"Labels against... Hizbullah and (its chief Sayyed) Hassan Nasrallah are an old and frayed trick and will not achieve anything," Iranian Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki was quoted as saying by Iran's Fars news agency.Of course, why didn't I think of that? But more seriously, could this be the first round in a coming war between the Shiites and the Sunnis?
Mottaki also said Israel and "hands from outside the region" were seeking to "create problems" in the June 7 elections.
"The Zionist regime will not succeed in this political plot," he said.
Recent developments also stem from historical animosity between Sunni-Arab Egypt and Shi'ite-non-Arab Iran, Hizbullah's patron and enabler.JPost also reports that Hezbullah has purchased buildings as bases of operation in Egypt. Hmmm.
On Tuesday, the larger regional conflict implicit in the Egypt-Hizbullah clash became explicit when Egyptian Foreign Minister Ahmed Abul Gheit told the London-based Asharq Alawsat that "Iran, and Iran's followers want Egypt to become a maid of honor for the crowned Iranian queen when she enters the Middle East." He was referring to Hizbullah's activity in Egypt, which Cairo interprets as Iranian meddling in its internal affairs.
Meanwhile, Al Quds al Arabi reported Wednesday that Jordan had raised its level of alert following the allegations of Hizbullah activity in Egypt.
Apart from the possibility that Hizbullah sleeper cells might be operating in the country, the monarchy also fears that cells affiliated with the Sunni terror group al Qaida might attempt to infiltrate Israel via the Jordanian border, the report said.
The old "he's the one who did it" excuse. When caught with its hands in the cookie jar, Hezbollah blames Israel!
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