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Friday, February 27, 2009

Systematic anti-Semitism in Venezuela

Ariel Dumas reports on the systematic encouragement of anti-Semitism by the Chavez government in Venezuela, citing numerous examples (link translated from Spanish) of blood libels against the country's Jews. Here's one example:
Think that the Zionist settler Venezuelan? (Sic)

Desde su independencia, Venezuela no ha sufrido más de estos atropellos en forma objetiva. Since independence, Venezuela has suffered over these violations in an objective manner. Claro está, siendo un poco realista, comprenderíamos que el colonialismo contemporáneo del que hemos sido victima los venezolanos, como también el resto de los pueblos del mundo, excepto Cuba, ha sido el omnipresente Dios secularizado del sionismo israelí, el Capital. Of course, being a little realistic, understand that contemporary colonialism that we have been a victim of the Venezuelans, as well as the rest of the peoples of the world, except Cuba, has been the omnipresent God secular Zionism of the Israeli capital.

Sumado a esto, la situación en que se encuentra sumergido el pueblo hermano de Irak, la desgracia de los pueblos árabes en general, aumenta, y todo gracias a la necesidades imperiosas de un capital con ansia reproductiva que enfrenta un mercado copado de grandes competidores, una elite capitalista-judía que descubrió en la religión la manera más eficaz de enajenar a todo un pueblo, y hacer de ellos mercancías en pro de sus inhumanos y depravados intereses, que preconiza el racismo, la superioridad y divinidad de sus pueblos sobre otros. El sionismo israelí es, sin duda, la expresión contemporánea del nazismo alemán. In addition, the situation in the submerged brotherly people of Iraq, the plight of the Arab peoples in general, increases, and all thanks to the capital needs of a forward facing reproductive cornered a major market competitors a capitalist-Jewish elite who found religion in the most effective way to alienate an entire people, and goods made of them for their inhuman and depraved interest, which advocates racism, superiority and divinity of their peoples over others. Israeli Zionism is, without doubt, the contemporary expression of German Nazism. Y es que, a cada etapa del desarrollo histórico de las fuerzas productivas y del capital, una ideología se corresponde con sus necesidades. Indeed, every stage of historical development of productive forces and capital, an ideology matches their needs.

Nota aparte: Separate note:

¿Que pensaría nuestro pueblo al ver aquellas estruendosas marchas de un importante numero de judíos, realizadas en días recientes, organizadas por los colonos y liderizadas por el sionista Meir Kahane con atuendos y camisas de color naranjas, como eco distante de la “Marcha sobre Roma” de los “camisas negras” de Benito Mussolini de 1920? What do you think our people to see those gears clatter of a large number of Jews in recent days, organized by the settlers and the Zionist led by Meir Kahane to dress shirts and orange as distant echo of the "March on Rome "from the" black shirts "of Benito Mussolini in 1920?

I hope it's This Year in Jerusalem for Venezuelan Jewry. There's not much reason to remain in Venezuela anymore.


At 10:17 AM, Blogger NormanF said...

Marxism has always been about anti-Semitism. It cannot tolerate any competing loyalties on its affections. It is no accident the Marxist Left is rabidly anti-Zionist and is the main force, along with the Islamists, behind the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (next week is Apartheid Israel Week) drive to delegitimize and destroy Israel. And we see that in the totalitarian Communist regime emerging in Venzuela, the rotten fruit didn't fall far from the tree.

Venezuelan Jewry should get out while they still have the freedom to leave - for Israel.

At 9:11 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

"ha sido el omnipresente Dios secularizado del sionismo israelí, el Capital" means : "... has been the
omnipresent secularized God of Israeli sionism, The Capital (aka
Das Kapital)", which obviously is a
quote from Marx's Jewish Question...


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