Nasrallah vows to open a second front

Terrorist chief Hassan Nasrallah issued a statement on Hizbullah's Al-Manar television station Sunday, vowing that "northern Israel will burn as Gaza is burning." Nasrallah rarely appears in person; he speaks via a video hook-up from his hideout due to fears of assassination by Israeli agents, following the 2006 Second Lebanon War.I'm sure Nasrallah is trembling in his shoes from the prospect that Olmert might come after him.
Hizbullah officials were quoted in a number of Arabic-language publications on Saturday warning that they would not permit Israel to attack Gaza without retaliating.
Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, anticipating such a reaction, warned Hizbullah Saturday night in his speech informing the nation about the military operation in Gaza that any "others who may seek to take advantage of the situation would be wise not to."
JPost is reporting that Hezbullah told London-based Arabic daily al-Hayat that it would not attack Israel over Gaza.
Hizbullah sources told the London-based Al Hayat that the Lebanese Shi'ite terror group had no intention of reacting to Israeli attacks on Gaza. According to the sources, Hizbullah had no interest in "threatening to hurt the stability in south Lebanon."I'd give anything Nasrallah told al-Manar much more credence than what an anonymous official told al-Hayat.
Israeli warplanes were circling the Lebanese airspace throughout the night, the Al Jazeera TV network reported.
JPost also reported that Syria has suspended indirect talks with Israel in response to the demonstrations that took place on Saturday. No big surprise there.
IF only the rat bastard of the north would open up that front...
It's time for punishment
Hezbollah has grown and now has even more easy rich targets to destroy...
Israel learned alot about fighting in the last 2 years...
Hezbollah is ripe for deflating...
PLEASE Hezbollah be stupid and do something that gives the IDF a reason to use those cluster bombs ON you instead of empty fields....
OT - Liar Mustafa Barghouti said in an interview on Fox that 150 children in Gaza were killed in Gaza. What a sicko!
Oh there will be more uses of "Israeli war crimes", "holocaust" and "massacres". Just wait till the Hezbo-nazis jump into the fray!
I pray that international pressure will not stop the IDF steamroller.
I'd like nothing more than to witness the final humiliation of Israel's two most vapid and feckless politicians, Ehud Olmert and Tzipi Livni who strengthened both Hezbollah's power and prestige. The lie of their boasts "the North is safe" would quickly become apparent to all. G-d teaches Jews lessons for them to absorb.
Added this to the round up at my blog.
Even though I would not support an attack by Hezbollah on Israel since it would Lebanon economically, I will say this. While Nasrallah has been unwise in the past in his timing, he is far from being a terrorist. It is Israel who is the terrosrist, fake state that has raped the holy land ofa Plaestine,a state that has no shame when it murders hundreds of inccocent civilians in retaliation for one Israeli casualty. Grow some balls and come to the reality that eventually Israel is going to be faced with the anger of the Arab world. There is always a breaking point and the ISraeli government is treading very close to it. The IDF is incapable of defeating Hezbollah or Hamas since theyr are guerilla fighting forces and you are not trained for that. All you know what to do is bomb from an altitude of 10,000 feet. Lets remember the terrified faces of Israeli soldiers (especially your elite units) in 2006 when they were crying and jumping at every sound they heard. You are weak and you will bedefeated evetually.Good luck in your invaion of Gaza! The next two years will be the start of your downfall!! Too bad
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