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Friday, June 20, 2008

Peres v. Musa at Petra conference

Israeli President Shimon Peres debated Arab League President Amr Musa at a Nobel Prize winners conference in Petra, Jordan this week.

Note that Musa is out and out lying when he claims that Israel is expelling 'Palestinians' from their 'homes' to house Jews. All of the new Jewish housing in Jerusalem (about which Musa is complaining) is being built on barren land.

Let's go to the videotape.


At 11:35 PM, Blogger Lydia McGrew said...

"Note that Musa is out and out lying when he claims that Israel is expelling 'Palestinians' from their 'homes' to house Jews. All of the new Jewish housing in Jerusalem (about which Musa is complaining) is being built on barren land."

I appreciate your making this point. The assumption that "building in the settlements" means "confiscation of Arab lands" is one I've been seething about lately. I imagine that what you say is true as well for building in "settlements" (aka suburbs) outside Jerusalem as well.

At 6:37 AM, Blogger NormanF said...

No Arab can point to a single case of an Arab having been dispossessed of their home in Israel. Not even the radical anti-Israel leftist groups Shalom Achshav and B'Tselem have discovered one. Every one is obsessed with Jews having the right to live in their own country. This is a right Jews do not need to defend, explain or justify to the world. It is self-evident.

At 8:07 AM, Blogger Carl in Jerusalem said...


Yes, the same is true of the 'settlements.' They are generally built on barren land. All of the 'settlement' expansion you hear of these days is building additional housing within area that has already been demarcated for that 'settlement.' There are no new 'settlements' being built.

At 1:24 AM, Blogger NormanF said...

Exactly. And it hardly needs to be pointed out the bulk of the revanants' communities are in areas where Arabs are not even in earshot. So even if one buys the argument (I don't) that Jews living alongside Arabs are an obstacle to peace because they create tension and cause conflict over resources, that's not true of most of the revanant communities, located in areas where no Arab population is present. And it certainly doesn't prejudice or change facts on the ground - even if it was the case of new revanants being built there because they happen to be in areas Israel would intend to keep in any event. So how does that injure the Palestinians with Jews on land they don't want? I rest my case.


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