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Wednesday, January 02, 2008

PA is right: Olmert lives on another planet

For once I find myself agreeing with a statement made by the 'Palestinian Authority.'

Yesterday, Prime Minister Ehud K. Olmert gave an interview to the Jerusalem Post in which he stated that Israelis 'must accept' that Jerusalem will be 'divided.' Olmert dropped in the following bone to allow his coalition partners at Yisrael Beiteinu and Shas to continue burying their heads in the sand:
At the same time, he made clear that he did not envisage a permanent accord along the '67 lines, describing Ma'aleh Adumim as an "indivisible" part of Jerusalem and Israel.
For the record, Maaleh Adumim is outside the city limits of Jerusalem. But he could have said Har Homa (which is within the city limits) and the reaction from the 'Palestinians' would have been the same. This morning, the 'Palestinian Authority' reacted to Olmert's statement.
Asked to comment on Olmert's statements, a top PA official in Ramallah said, "Olmert must be living on another planet. Peace and settlements don't go together. If this is his policy, he can forget about finding a partner on the Palestinian side."

The official stressed that the PA does not distinguish between an illegal settlement outpost and Ma'aleh Adumim or Har Homa.

"These are all illegal settlements that were built on occupied lands belonging to the Palestinian people," he said.

PA Prime Minister Salaam Fayad called for an end to construction in all settlements and Jewish neighborhoods in east Jerusalem.

"Construction work in east Jerusalem and the West Bank is illegal," he said. "This issue will be at the top of the agenda of the peace talks [with Israel]."

Chief PA negotiator Saeb Erekat dismissed Olmert's use of the word "separation," asking, "What does Olmert want to separate from? This term is being used for internal Israeli purposes. We insist on a full withdrawal from the Palestinian territories."

Erekat, too, called for an end to construction work in all settlements, including Ma'aleh Adumim, warning that Israel's policy of settlement construction would sabotage the peace process.

Erekat said the only way to achieve real peace was by ensuring a full Israeli withdrawal to the pre-1967 borders, including east Jerusalem.

"The Israeli leadership should start preparing the Israeli public for peace by declaring that the time has come for real peace," Erekat added. "Israel should first withdraw to the pre-1967 borders and solve all the final-status issues. Then Israel should also withdraw from Syrian and Lebanese territories."
And for once the 'Palestinians' are right. No, they're not right that Israel should stop building or fully withdraw from the territory liberated in the defensive 1967 war. But the 'Palestinians' are right that Olmert is living on another planet. The 'Palestinians' have insisted over and over again that they are not interested in 'exchanges' of territory or compromises or anything else that would leave what they consider 'Palestinian' land in Jewish possession (which includes the entire State of Israel, but that's a separate issue). Their baseline position - from which they have not budged in more than forty years - is that they want it ALL. No compromises. No exchanges.

The reason is quite simple: The 'Palestinians' don't want a state reichlet. They want to destroy the Jewish state. And there is no better way to destroy the Jewish state than to create 400,000 more Jewish refugees to live in mobile homes and cheap hotels as the Jewish refugees from the Gaza Strip have been doing for more than two years now. All of this talk of 'compromises' and 'exchanges' and 'separation' without giving 100% of the territory liberated in 1967 to the 'Palestinians' only exists on the planet on which Olmert and the delusional Israeli left are living. It doesn't exist on 'Planet Palestine.' So the 'Palestinians' are right. Olmert is living on a different planet than they we are.


At 12:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wanna have a real laugh at Olmert the Bozo?

Olmert sees 'hand of God' in gathering of friendly nations to divide Israel.

If we're going to get divinical, I hope that Olmert reads the writing on the wall.

At 2:24 PM, Blogger NormanF said...

Olmert is too good to be true. He may believe what he says but his partner is not one interested in compromise. That is why all the "peace plans" of the past decade have gone nowhere. And when his rival Barak says the roadblocks are to stay, its hard to envisage any sort of deal that could pass his coalition.

He really must be living on his own planet since no else in Israel and certainly the PA agrees with him on a final status settlement. And the Palestinians are not going to agree to a termination of the conflict in exchange for statehood in 2008 anymore than they were in 2000.

At 8:17 PM, Blogger Daniel said...

When I was a budding teen I remember a teacher who was telling us the story of Ancient Israel, how they separated from Judah became normal by acting like the goyim and vanished from the earth. I then asked her shouldn't the modern State of Israel be called "Judah". I don't remember what gobbledygook she said, but current events remind me of the appropriateness of my then question.
It is indeed much more appropriate to name the modern state Israel than Judah. Barak, Olmerde, YNET haaretz, dana international, Ilan Pappe, the pais cutters,Oppenheimer etal are all gilgulim from old Israel and are perhaps ,great loyal Israelis taht could inspire a million yordim, they have no heriage of Judah within them.
Perhaps Olmert is Ahab reincarnated.
I suppose "Judah" lives on in Yesha, the hareidim and peolple like Carl myself et al.


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