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Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Government not pursuing murderers of Amihai and Rubin

Channel 2 reported tonight that the Olmert-Barak-Livni junta has decided not to pursue the Fatah terrorists who murdered Ahikam Amihai and Yehuda Rubin HY"D (may God avenge their blood) near Hebron three weeks ago and that it has prevented the IDF from conducting a raid to capture the terrorists. Instead, the government has allowed the Palestinian Authority to transfer them to Jericho where it hopes they will be placed on trial.
A document obtained by Channel 2 revealed that Prime Minster Ehud Olmert allowed the Palestinian Authority to transfer the killers to Jericho on condition that the Palestinians would proceed with bringing the attackers to justice and that Israel trusted that the PA would do so.

According to the report, two IDF units are ready to launch an operation and enter Jericho to detain two of the suspects involved in the attack, but have not been allowed to do so due to a government decision forbidding such a move.

The TV channel quoted IDF sources as saying that they wanted to bring the killers to justice to send a tough message to the Palestinians.

The State Prosecution explained that "the prime minister gave permission to the Palestinians to transfer the suspects to Jericho, where [the Palestinian Authority] would then proceed with the matter."

Further, it said that "the matter of whether to submit a request to transfer the suspects to Israel will be considered after the suspects are transferred to Jericho, according to the circumstances and depending on how the Palestinians handle the issue."


Yehuda Amihai, father of Ahikam, said that "the IDF could have immediately, the day after the attack, arrested the attackers but for a political decision."

The families of the soldiers were enraged by the report, saying that their sons fought to the death but the government is now letting the terrorists go, Channel 2 said.

In response, the Prime Minister's Office said that the decision was made after consultations with the Shin Bet (Israel Security Agency) and that Israel has all the necessary means to deal with the matter if the Palestinians don't bring the killers to justice.
We will know how to respond... eventually... maybe....

The 'Palestinians' know how to respond to this type of weakness. God forbid, they will attack again.


At 11:20 PM, Blogger Gershon said...

One can't help crying after reading one article after another about the criminal endangerment of the whole country at the hands of this scoundrel, and the inability of ANYONE to do anything about it.

At 11:46 PM, Blogger NormanF said...

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At 11:48 PM, Blogger NormanF said...

It just sickened me when I heard about it. Its bad enough the government negotiated with murderers of Jews for a long time now.

But its beyond belief it won't even try to bring those who murdered Jewish boys to justice. The government of Israel stopped caring. Its indifferent to the people of Sderot. And now its turned it back on people who lost loved ones.

For its infamy, it deserves to be punished. Those who murder as the Prophet Elijah riposted to King Ahab should not inherit. The government in power does not deserve the respect of the Jewish people. It forfeited their trust long ago.

At 12:01 AM, Blogger Lydia McGrew said...

This, of course, is what comes of treating the Palestinian Authority as a quasi-governmental entity. Then we get the logically next fiction that this "government" will bring to justice people who commit crimes in its own "jurisdiction" and that it would be "interfering" for Israel to do so. It is as though they have a state already.


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