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Friday, November 23, 2007

No expectations

Al-AP reports on a Dahaf poll that shows just how low Israeli expectations are for the Annapolis conference mugging. If the poll results are accurate, even if Olmert reaches a deal at Annapolis or thereafter, he is going to have a hard time selling it to the Israeli public.
Almost 70 percent of Israelis support holding the conference, but roughly the same number - 71 percent - believe it won't help move along the Israeli-Palestinian peace process, according to the poll conducted by the Dahaf Research Institute and published Friday in Yediot Ahronot.

Though Israelis tend to support negotiating with the Palestinians, they remain skeptical about the chances for peace and back relatively hard-line negotiating positions, the poll showed.

Prime Minister Ehud Olmert has said the sides can reach a final peace agreement by the end of 2008, but 82 percent of Israelis don't believe that will be possible, the poll showed.

Asked if Israel should agree to dismantle most of its West Bank settlements - one of the key Palestinian demands - 55 percent said no. Two-thirds of respondents said Israel should not agree to compromise on control of Jerusalem, which is another central demand from the Palestinians who want the eastern part of the city as capital of a future state.
Keep in mind that at Camp David, Ehud Barak agreed to dismantle most of the Jewish towns in Judea and Samaria and he agreed to divide Jerusalem. The 'Palestinians' believe that is the starting point at Annapolis. Those positions sound more to me like the end of the 'conference.'


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