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Sunday, November 11, 2007

Haveil Havalim # 140 is up

Haveil Havalim # 140 is up and running and Life in Israel, who is this week's host, has got an incredible number of great links today. I also think I figured out he's from my generation (because he mentions having gone to Yeshiva with someone whom I know to be more or less my age). Anyway, no matter how old you are, make sure you check out HH # 140 here.


At 3:15 PM, Blogger Rafi G. said...

actually I am a quarter generation down. "Dave" was (and still is) older than me. He was in kollel and I was in yeshiva. I used to go eat shabbos meals by him very often...

But you do know me..sort of.. I was by your daughters wedding when she married the guy from Chi.

At 4:17 PM, Blogger Carl in Jerusalem said...

Are you a former Chicagoan?

At 4:23 PM, Blogger Rafi G. said...

that's right... and my family and your mechutanim are very close friends. My dad went with Stu to Soldier Field for a Bears game a few weeks ago and they were by my parents last week for a shabbos meal...

At 4:24 PM, Blogger Rafi G. said...

and I know Rabbi Weiss your FIL, but only enough to say hello when I see him... I used to bump into him fairly often but have not now in a while.

At 7:10 PM, Blogger Carl in Jerusalem said...

It's a small world indeed....


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