How 'internationals' protect terrorists
This is one of the most astounding videos I have seen posted on the Internet.
Six 'internationals' (apparently Americans from the accents) sat themselves down in the middle of the main road of the Ein Beit Al Ma 'refugee camp' in Shchem (Nablus) on Friday, July 20, 2007 at 10:20 am and effectively prevented the IDF from entering the camp to make arrests. The intro to the video claims that three 'internationals' were shot with rubber bullets during the blockade, but you don't see that anywhere in the video. The street has 'martyr posters' hanging overhead and you will hear local Arabs screaming Allahu Akbar (god is great) in the background. You will also hear 'internationals' taunting the IDF soldiers in English about how 'bad' it will look if the IDF kills them.
Watch the video below, and then we'll talk about it.
Thanks, Carl, I got through your LGF link.
The Muslims and their Leftist useful idiot allies see eye to eye in this, as in many other things: the exploitation of civilized, scrupulous people and institutions (the IDF here, Western courts in the service of the "legal jihad" elsewhere, etc.) against them, and the lack of compunction against endangering innocent lives (of children especially) in order to reap the propaganda benefits when those are accidentally, but inevitably, injured or killed.
This is the breaking-point of international law: it is totally unprepared for the reality of the growing world confrontation, a confrontation differing from previous ones in that it's predominantly about the admixture of combatants with non-combatants, such that the specter of "heaps of civilian deaths" cannot possibly be avoided. International law has no provision for this new kind of warfare; it assumes combatants and non-combatants will be distinct somehow, and from that outdated assumption proceeds to serve as a basis for condemning civilian deaths.
Civilian deaths are horrifying, but we can't be held responsible if the enemy courts them by placing their women and children (or themselves, in the case of those "internationals") in the line of fire. Under these circumstances, there is no way to be victorious in the framework of international law as it currently stands. For the sake of survival (our own, and by extension that of the rest of the free world), international law will have to be discarded. We, as Jews, are especially fortunate, in that we have something with which to replace international law: the law given to us from above.
If the enemy is indiscriminate, then the enemy must be expelled indiscriminately, en masse, even if it means innocents will also be expelled in the process. Because the enemy is unscrupulous enough as to preclude any method of distinguishing between them and innocent by-standers, they'll all have to go. In the case of Abraham and Sodom, the case for innocents could be made because HaShem knows who is one and who isn't; but we are only human.
HaShem bless you.
Permission is granted to use reasonable force, up to and including deadly force, to remove American left wing sympathizers from any location where they actively inhibit planned or ad hoc operations against Hamas or any of the other groups of murdering thugs. If one of them happens to be Sean Penn, shoot him twice.
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