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Thursday, August 23, 2007

Libya, Cuba, Iran planning conference on racism of racists

Following up on the smashing success of the 2001 World Conference against "Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance," which was followed by the 9/11 attacks two weeks later, a preparatory bureau set up under the U.N.'s 'Human Rights Council' will meet in Geneva next week to "formulate a concrete plan" for a 2009 conference that will review the implementation of the 'program of action' drawn up at the last conference. Libya will chair next week's meeting in Geneva and the twenty nations participating also include such paragons of human rights as Iran, Cuba and Pakistan. Cybercast News Service brings back the memories:
That conference, in Durban, South Africa, was characterized by blatant anti-Israel sentiment and attempts to revive an earlier U.N. stance equating Zionism with racism. An associated Non-Governmental Organization Forum was also highly politicized, with Israel again the target.

The Bush administration first sent a low-level delegation, and later recalled it to protest what then-Secretary of State Colin Powell called a singling out of one nation "for censure and abuse."

The final declaration and program of action, hammered out amid acrimonious debate, made reference to "the plight of the Palestinian people under foreign occupation" but did not directly condemn Israel.

In the run-up to the 2001 conference, Asian nations led by Iran inserted into draft documents provocative references to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, including claims that Israel was a threat to international peace and security and was practicing a "new kind of apartheid."
Here's some of what's likely to be on the agenda in 2009:
Critics of that process are concerned that, with countries like Libya and Iran in the driving seat again, the 2009 conference may end up with a similar focus.

They also expect "Islamophobia" to feature strongly, and for Islamic states to attempt to revive efforts to outlaw the "defamation of prophets" -- a push triggered by the Mohammed cartoon controversy.


Observers have also noted that of the bodies invited to take part in the planning group's meetings, only two U.N. "special rapporteurs" (or human rights investigators) have been included -- the special rapporteur on racism and the special rapporteur on freedom of religion or belief.

The U.N. has 37 of these individuals, focusing on a range of subjects such as violence against women, human trafficking, minority issues and freedom of expression.

The limiting of invitations to just the two rapporteurs is an indication, observers like Bayefsky and Neuer believe, that the planners intend to promote the freedom of belief issue over that of freedom of expression.

"In other words, accusations of Islamophobia and objections to the Danish [Mohammed] cartoons will be on the agenda [at the 2009 conference]," Bayefsky predicted. "Freedom of expression will not."
I've been wondering a lot lately what the anti-semites of the world will have to do with their time if God forbid Israel is wiped off the map. Now, with the mention of the Danish cartoons, we have our answer: First they're coming for the Saturday people and then they'll come for the Sunday people. I hope all of you find that comforting.


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