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Thursday, July 12, 2007

Law and order, Hamas style - 'collaborator' murdered in Hamastan

A 'collaborator' who was caught on video last week by Islamic Jihad changing out of an IDF uniform and jumping over the Gaza security fence was found dead in a Hamas-controlled prison in Gaza City yesterday. For those who missed it last week, here's the video (with thanks to Atlas for showing me how to do this):

Jihad presents collaborator's arrest

The alleged 'collaborator,' Fadel Duhmush, was arrested and taken to a Hamas prison after he was seen in the video above. Yesterday, he was 'found dead' in his cell:
Islamic Jihad officials in the Gaza Strip claimed that Duhmush was a former member of the group recruited to work for the Israeli security services.

They said it was the first time that a "collaborator" had been caught "red-handed."

Duhmush was being held in the main prison in Gaza City, where he was reportedly subjected to brutal torture during his interrogation, the sources told the Post. They said the circumstances of his death remained unknown.

A spokesman for Islamic Jihad claimed that the 31-year-old Duhmush had committed suicide in his prison cell.

The spokesman said his body was discovered early Wednesday morning and was transferred to Shifa Hospital because the victim's family refused to bury him out of fear for their lives.

A Palestinian journalist in Gaza City said Duhmush had been handed over to Hamas a few days after he was captured by Islamic Jihad members. "I heard from people who saw the body that he had been brutally tortured in the Hamas prison," he said.
But give them a state reichlet and they'll make sure there are no more 'collaborators.'


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