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Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Olmert arms the 'Palestinians'

Just to show you how much we have come full circle and have gone back to the pre-intifadeh days when we deluded ourselves that the 'Palestinians' were a 'peace partner'....

The government announced this evening that Israel had transferred 375 rifles to Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas Abu Mazen a day earlier. Olmert said, "Despite the tension and the firing of Kassam rockets, I authorized last night the transfer of arms and ammunition to Abu Mazen to strengthen the presidential guard so he can strengthen the forces against Hamas. I did this because we are running out of time and we need to help Abu Mazen."

The incredible stupidity of that statement needs to be pointed out:

1. When the 'Palestinians' went to war against the Jews in the fall of 2000, the question that kept being asked over and over again was "why did you give them arms"? Why are we repeating the same mistake that was made in the late 90's - this time without even the delusion of an agreement?

2. Why are we backing Abu Mazen against the Hamas? Who says that Fatah is any better? How many terror attacks have been carried out (or attempted) by Abu Mazen's terrorists - the 'al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigade' - since the elections in January?

3. Why are we 'running out of time'? Running out of time for what and to do what? Running out of time until Olmert's government falls?

This was just part of a series of stupid statements by Olmert today. Olmert announced that Israel
"would never agree to pull out of all of the West Bank to pre-1967 borders because those borders are indefensible." Am I the only one hearing that statement who is thinking that this is undoubtedly exactly what Olmert intends to do because his leftist wife and traitorous children are 'tired of fighting'?

Then Olmert said
that he was prepared to negotiate an agreement with any Palestinian government that renounces terrorism, recognizes Israel and stands by previous agreements between the two sides.

"If these three conditions are met, it is entirely irrelevant who the (Palestinian) government is. If Hamas entirely accepts these conditions, we don't rule out anyone."

So that's it? Hamas pronounces an incantation as Arafat did in 1988, and suddenly they become our peace piece by piece partner?

Ehud Olmert says that we are 'running out of time.' The only thing for which we are running out of time is to stop Ehud Olmert from giving the country away. We'd better stop him now while there's still a chance.


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