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Thursday, March 23, 2006

Harvard backs away from "Israel lobby" paper

Harvard is apparently not very happy about its name appearing on Stephen Walt's paper claiming that AIPAC rules the United States government. Given the Saudi donations to Harvard, this is actually surprising....

The Harvard Kennedy School of Government logo has mysteriously disappeared from the disgracefully shoddy paper recently co-authored by its academic dean Stephen Walt. (The “logo” remains in the Harvard Abstract to the paper. And the report is still listed as one of the JFK “Faculty Research Working Paper Series.”) Additionally, there is a semi-disclaimer at the start of the paper which was not there originally: “The two authors of this Working Paper are solely responsible for the views expressed in it. As academic institutions, Harvard University and the University of Chicago do not take positions on the scholarship of individual faculty, and this article should not be interpreted or portrayed as reflecting the official position of either institution.”

Ed Lasky 3 22 06


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