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Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Bolton: Threat to Wipe Israel off the Map is a Threat Against the World; Time to Re-Evaluate UNRWA

Little Green Footballs is reporting this morning that United States ambassador to the UN John Bolton told the Herzliya Conference last night that Iran's threat to wipe Israel off the map is a threat against the world.

In addition, the Jerusalem Post is reporting this morning that President Bush 'will not tolerate' a nuclear Iran, and that the time has to come re-evaluate UNRWA. This guy is a breath of fresh air!

US President George W. Bush will not accept a nuclear Iran, John Bolton, the US ambassador to the United Nations, said Monday.

Bolton, speaking from New York via video hook-up to the Interdisciplinary Center's Herzliya Conference, said that Bush was determined to pursue the issue through peaceful and diplomatic means, "but has made clear that a nuclear Iran is not acceptable."

According to Bolton, Bush worries that a nuclear-equipped Iran under its current leadership could well engage in a nuclear holocaust, "and that is just not something he is going to accept."


Bolton, who was very critical during his comments of the UN's treatment of Israel, said - in an answer to a question - that the time had come to re-evaluate UNRWA, the UN body devoted to Palestinian refuges.

When looking toward a two state solution, Bolton said, "you have to ask why one state, Palestine, has an entire UN agency devoted entirely to it."

Bolton asked why the UN Development Program, and other UN programs present in other countries around the world, would not be applicable to a Palestinian state as well.

"Looking at the future of UNRWA is definitely something we should all be doing, thinking about how to transition to a new UN involvement in the region," Bolton said.


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